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"Don't forget to take your medicine everyday, Ally," Shawn says, checking off the boxes on his clipboard.

The six-year-old girl gives him a toothy smile.

"I won't forget, Dr. Mendes!"

Shawn gives her a grin, opening a box of stickers for her to choose from.

"Take your pick."

Ally gasps at the new selection of stickers, her hands pawing through until her eyes land on the perfect one.

"Thank you, Dr. Mendes!" She happily says.

He nods and Ally's mother thanks him. He spots the most recent tabloid she's reading.

Pop star Camila Cabello leaves a LA club with her newest arm candy.
- People say she can't stop playing with men.
- Left latest ex Matthew Hussey heart broken after only one month.

Shawn isn't really familiar with pop culture despite living in LA. He spends most of his days and nights at the pediatric ward, treating sick kids. Entertainment is a rare luxury for him on his free weekends. The only real Hollywood gossip he gets is from listening to the nurses during break or Ally's mom's tabloids.

Shawn sighs, looking at his watch. It's already 7 pm. He hangs up his coat and stethoscope, scanning his office to make sure everything is in order for tomorrow. The walls are decorated with drawings and crafts from all his patients. He is the favorite of the children after all. At the ripe age of 26, Shawn had finished medical school early and had become one of the top pediatricians in LA. The kids loved him and so did most of the nurses. Describing Shawn as handsome is an understatement; all the nurses swooned whenever he walked by. But Shawn didn't have time to have a love life, and he didn't particularly care for one.

Shawn folds his shirt sleeves to his elbows and drives to his favorite restaurant next to the beach.

He twirls his pasta mindlessly, staring outside the window overlooking the ocean. It's pretty empty except for the usual couple walking in the moonlight. The only thing different from the usual scene is a woman sitting by herself hunched over in the sand, her knees drawn to her chest.

After dinner, Shawn walks to the water. The woman is still there. Shawn's curiosity overpowers him and he nears her. Her whole body is shaking, and he can hear her sobbing.

"Hey, are you ok?" He asks, placing a gentle hand on her shoulder.

The woman whips around, smacking his arm, making Shawn land on his ass on the sand. Her doe eyes are wide and her face is covered in tears. Her lips part.

"Don't come near me!" She hiccups.

"Whoa whoa. I'm sorry! I didn't mean to freak you out. I just wanted to know if you're ok," Shawn says.

He gets a better look at her face. The wild waves cover most of it, but there's something familiar about her.

"Do I know you?" Shawn tilts his head curiously.

The woman lets out a bitter laugh. "Don't play coy with me. I just want people to leave me the fuck alone."

Shawn shakes his head, "Well, obviously you don't want to talk, I'm not going to push you."

She puts her head back into her arms and Shawn sighs. The air is chilly and he can see goosebumps arise on her arm. He goes back to his car to grab a hoodie and places it on her balled up body. She doesn't look up. Shawn leaves her on the beach.


"Shawn, there's a new patient scheduled for you this afternoon," Hailee says, peeping her head through his office.

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