I Want You Back

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Their relationship definitely did not end on the right foot. They had broken up because of Shawn's hectic tour schedule and lack of communication. Camila couldn't deny that it hurt. In the process of losing her boyfriend, she also partially lost her best friend. Conversations now were awkward and less frequent. She wished they could go back in time and be best friends again (or maybe even boyfriend and girlfriend again but she won't admit that).

After they had broken up, Shawn had finished up his tour and purchased a house in LA only a few streets down. Camila tried in every way to avoid passing by; she knew she'd be tempted to knock on his door. Now she was focused on releasing her second album and self care. Being without a man for a little while would do her some good.

It's hard for her not to think about him though. She didn't have the heart to take down the pictures of them on her wall. There are ones where he's kissing her cheek or making her laugh.

Today seems like a night where she cozies up on the couch and broods. The soft rain patters on the window. Camila's brewing her second cup of tea of the day when she hears a knock on the door. Groaning she pads to the front door. She swings the door open to see the culprit who's disturbed her peace. Her eyes go wide at the sight of Shawn, shivering on her porch. He's soaked to the bone in a white t-shirt, cardigan and black jeans.

"Shawn! What are you doing! Oh my god, why are you soaked!" Camila says as she frantically eyes him over.

"I miss you," He croaks out.

"What?" She cocks her head before shaking it. "Never mind, let's get you inside."

Camila curses underneath her breath as Shawn follows her into her house. Of course on her self care no guy month, Shawn has to storm back into her life.

"Stay here. I'm going to get a towel," she says as she heads to the bathroom.

Camila looks at herself in the mirror.

"Camila, no matter what he says, you are NOT allowed to go back to him. Ok?" She points to herself. "This is your month! You don't need a man! Even if it's Shawn!" She huffs.

Feeling reassured, she lifts her head and grabs a towel. When she arrives back to Shawn, he's slipped out of his clothes and is standing in his boxers. Has this boy no dignity?

Camila blushes at the sight of his bare body and Shawn smirks. The memories of their nightly escapades replay in her head and she tries to block them out.

"Here," She says, handing him a towel.

She makes herself busy by retrieving a blanket for him, avoiding eye contact. When everything's all settled and Shawn's tucked in a blanket sitting on the couch, the silence consumes them.

Camila clears her throat.

"So...what did you want to talk about?" She looks at him from the other side of the couch.

"Camila, I-" Shawn hesitates and runs a hand through his wet hair.

Camila watches a bead of water trickle down the column of his throat.

"I miss you. I still love you. I still am in love with you," he says.

Camila's breath hitches. Fuck you, Shawn Mendes.

"Shawn, I can't do this right now. Please," she sighs.

"Camila, I will do anything to get you back. Please, just give me a chance."

"I need some time for myself," Camila looks at her hands and fiddles with her fingers.

"You still love me, don't you?" Shawn asks.

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