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"Do you have everything, Mils?" Camila asks, frantically running around the house as she double checks that her daughter has everything she needs.

"Yes, Mama," six-year-old Emilia Mendes says, her wild brown curls framing her face.

"Daddy's going to be here soon. You're going to spend the weekend with him ok?" Camila kneels in front of her, moving a piece of Emilia's hair from her eyes.

She nods, her hazel eyes boring into Camila's, reminding Camila of Shawn. "I've missed, Daddy."

"I know, baby, but now he's here and you guys are going to have a lot of fun ok?" She kisses her on her forehead.

Emilia Maria Mendes was a hot-headed and beautiful little girl. She got her goofy personality from her mom and looks from her dad. She looked like a mini version of her father: hazel eyes, a slender nose, cute pink lips, and dark brown curls. Everyone who has ever come across her fell in love with her.

When she was born, Camila and Shawn were overjoyed. Camila still remembers cradling her perfect baby in her arms at the hospital while Shawn stared adoringly at the both of them. Parenthood was difficult for them at such a young age and eventually they grew apart. Shawn went back on tour and Camila was stuck at home taking care of Emilia. Camila decided it would be best if they went their separate ways with Emilia living part time between the both of them. They ended their two-year long engagement too.

After two years of being single, Camila started to date again and that's when she met sweet Matthew. He was good to her and to Emilia. He understood their situation and loved them both. Even though he was wonderful, Camila still had a hole in her heart that would always belong to Shawn. It was difficult for her to love anyone else.

The doorbell snaps Camila out of her thoughts. Taking a deep breath, she lifts Emilia into her arms and opens the front door.

She hasn't seen Shawn in almost five months because he's been on tour. It seems like these days all he does is write songs about a broken heart. His fans still eat it up as he croons his songs at his concerts.

Her breath hitches at the sight of Shawn. He makes her heart beat like no other she couldn't deny that. His hair had grown a little longer and a curl falls into his eyes. The wrinkles around his eyes have become more prominent perhaps from laughter, but there's something cold about his expression that sets Camila off. He's wearing a pink hoodie, black jean jacket, and jeans.

"Daddy!" Emilia squeals, her hands immediately reaching towards him, breaking Camila and Shawn's stare.

Shawn's face lights up at his daughter's voice and his cold expression fades. Camila's heart quickens as she sees a glimpse of the Shawn she once loved come back. Camila loosens her grip, letting Shawn take her from her arms. Emilia hugs her father tightly and he kisses her cheek over and over, making her giggle. Camila melts a little.

"I missed you, Daddy!" She smiles.

"I missed you too, pumpkin," Shawn softly grins, kissing her nose.

"Where are we going?" She places her palms on Shawn's cheeks.

"Well, I was thinking we could go get some milkshakes like usual and then go home?"

Emilia eagerly nods.

"Ok, say bye to Mama. You won't get to see her until next week," Shawn says, setting her down and looking at Camila.

Emilia hugs Camila's legs, and Camila stoops down to give her daughter a hug and a kiss.

"Behave for Daddy, ok?" She holds Emilia tightly to her chest and kisses her head.

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