sticky shenanigans

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joshua cleaned the last of the tables and sighed when he was done. the boy with curly brown locks worked at ihop and it had been such a busy day since it was saturday. as soon as he clocked in and started his shift it seemed as though he was needed everywhere.

he had to deal with a very cranky child that spilled his apple juice not once or twice but three fucking times. now joshua loved children but this child was sent from the devil just to push josh's buttons on purpose.

then there were a group of middle school girls who tried to pressure their nerdy friend into asking josh for his number. the girl clearly looked like she was 13... josh was 17. and gay. he liked dick therefore he had to nicily decline the girl which then led to the other girls giving him a death glare until their parents picked them up. one of them, specifically a blonde with the ugliest pink highlights sneakily gave josh the middle finger.

later after that an old man yelled at him because his coffee was too sweet. josh was not the one who made his coffee, he only took his order. so he obviously did not appreciate it when the old man called him "a stupid no good employee" and then stabbed him in the foot with his cane before leaving.

josh was having a ruff day. he wanted to cry but he couldn't because he'd look like a pussy in front of his mean coworkers. besides ryan, that boy was sweeter than the syrup that none other than josh had to refill earlier. josh's feet hurt, he smelled like hashbrowns and he just wanted to go home and cuddle with his dog named jim.

josh sighed as he finally sat down at a booth that no one was at. it finally started to settle down in the diner. his shift was almost over too. only another hour until it was 1 in the morning and he'd be able to leave. josh scrolled through his notifications. he answered his mom's text, liked a few posts on instagram and snapped his best friend, mark.

josh looked up as he suddenly heard the door open and loud as fuck boys enter laughing about god knows what. josh rolled his eyes as he saw tyler joseph and his stupid friends. everytime they came to ihop they specifically chose josh as their waiter just to annoy and be rude to him. they had no respect whatsoever.

ryan tried to go up to them as they waited to be seated but tyler waved him off and pointed to joshua. "uh hello. shouldn't you be handing us menus and asking where we'd like to sit? get up, glasses.", tyler said. his friends chuckled and high fived each other. wow. they're seniors acting like freshmen.

josh rolled his eyes after adjusting his glasses and made his way to the boys. he grabbed a few menus as he asked, "table for 4?", in a bored tone.

"no, booth for 5. can't you count? you are like an absolute nerd.", tyler said. josh glanced at the boy before looking behind him. he didn't see the boy on the ground who was tying his shoe.

josh put on a forced smile after grabbing another menu. "my apologies. follow me this way.", josh said. he led the group of boys to a big corner booth. "will this booth be okay for tonight?', josh asked.

the boys shrugged and sat down. tyler, brendon, and dallon on one side while matthew and aaron were on the other. josh handed out their menus and prayed to god that the boys, especially tyler wouldn't give him a hard time. he was already in a horrible mood and just wanted to go home.

"can i start you guys off with some drinks?", josh asked.

"you can shut up while we think about what we want to drink. don't you think we'd tell you when we're ready?", aaron snarled. josh tried his best not to glare at the boy with his greasy long green hair. he looked like if the joker was a coke addict.

the rest of the boys laughed, besides tyler. tyler was staring at josh while biting his lip. "y'know i'd actually like to drink you up, joshua.", tyler said while flicking his name tag that read his full name.

oh shit, a rat! {joshler oneshots}Where stories live. Discover now