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"You're sure it was them?"

"Yes, Jungkook, for the nth time! There was an A and a C carved next to Lee's body."

"Is there any evidence other than the letters?"

"No, the room was up in smoke long before the first fire alarm went off. There were traces of cloth on the floor, but it was complete incinerated. We're lucky we were able to save the letters."

"So... no fingerprints? No hair? Spit? Absolutely no traces of DNA?"

"Yes, Jungkook. I've told you already, everything was burned." Jungkook slumps back into his seat as Namjoon drives the two down to Hongdaeng.

When driving down to Hongdaeng, Namjoon likes to take the backroads. There was little to no traffic as barely anyone used them, and the backroads were much quicker in comparison to the highway or locals.

However, with every pro comes a con.

In the backroads, it is much easier to be tracked and followed than in the busy locals.

Namjoon did everything to make their car look the least suspicious as possible. He drove a silver Honda Pilot and stuck bumper stickers all over the bumper. There were even those stickers on the back window of a little family with a dog.

Of course, it's no help when the people tracking you have already marked you on their radar.

It's also no help when they know you.


"Namjoon, look out!" The car swerves as Jungkook startles Namjoon with the loud warning.

Namjoon looks crossly at Jungkook.



Another vehicle slams into the Honda, seemingly from out of nowhere. The impact force sends the Honda flipping and the next thing anyone knows, the Honda is on it's side. The other vehicle, an Infiniti QX60, is smoking from the engine and the passenger door opens, while the driver is seen hunched over the wheel, dead. The man stepping out of the vehicle stretches a bit, fixes his clothing, and slips on a pair of gloves. He makes his way towards the Honda and picks up a loose piece of shrapnel from the ground.

As he nears the car, he looks in through the window, peeing in on Namjoon. The car landed on the passenger side, leaving Namjoon hanging in the air with only his seatbelt keeping him in place. The man clicks his tongue, seeing that Namjoon only had a small cut on his head where he had hit it on the dashboard and looked otherwise unharmed.

The front window has been smashed in and the man crouches down before it, examining Jungkook who lies on his side.

Unlike Namjoon, Jungkook is wounded much more severely as he took the full force of the Infiniti's impact. His face and arms are cut from the window's glass, small pieces stuck in various locations among his skin. His lip is busted and bleeding from when he bit it during the impact. The door has caved in where the Infiniti slammed into it, a large part of it pushing into Jungkook's thigh and side. The passenger's window has also been smashed, leaving Jungkook practically laying in a glass pile.

The man, seemingly unsatisfied, clicks his tongue again. He takes the piece of shrapnel in his hand and stabs it into Jungkook's abdomen, shifting it so that it looks natural and not like someone purposely put it there. The wound is not a fatal one in itself, but other factors like infection and blood loss may make it so. The man's mission is not to kill him, after all.

Just to severely wound.

Again, the man seems unsatisfied. This time, he pulls out a syringe from his pocket and empties it into Jungkook's neck. The liquid within the syringe, now inside Jungkook's circulatory system, is a poison. A poison strong enough to inflict great pain, yet not strong enough to prove to be fatal.

The man steps away and examine his handiwork. He shakes his head as if something is missing. He crouched down once again and lifts Jungkook's head, examining the side of his head. Aside from the many scratches from glass, there is no blunt force wound. Realizing that, the man grabs another flattish piece of shrapnel and hits Jungkook across the side of his face until a minor blunt force wound accumulates.

Finally satisfied, the man steps away, smiles, and nods. He goes back to Namjoon, patting his face as if to wake him. After a moment, Namjoon groans and his eyes flutter open. He glances around and notices he and Jungkook's current state.

It isn't until he's rocking in his seat to try and tip over the car that he notices the man.

When he does, he lets out a low growl, clearly recognizing the man.

"You did this." The words didn't come out as a question, more like a statement as if he knew that what he is stating is completely true.

The man smirks.

"Why, yes, of course. My superiors have requested it of me. If you have any qualms or queries, you may take it up with them," he replies in a mocking tone, turning to walk away the moment he stops talking. However, Namjoon doesn't seem to be done with the conversation.

"We'll get you! I'm going to make you pay, and we'll get you. Just you wait and see. Better ask your superiors to protect your lame bitchy ass because I'll be hunting you. You can't hide, Jackson." The man, now named to be Jackson, doesn't pause in his steps, merely letting out an airy laugh.

"Good luck," is the last thing he utters before he slips out of view.


If you haven't read my bio (which I assume you haven't) I have an official update time now. It will be every Wednesday at Midnight EDT, Tuesday at 9 PM PST/PDT.

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