Chapter 2 - Pizza Walls

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Emily's POV
"Okay so what are we doing. Singing or talking?" Luke asked.


"Told you I knew you cared." He poked out his tounge.

I knocked on my front door. It opened and there was my Mum.

"Oh hello Luke! Haven't seen you in a while, what brings you here?" She asked in her raspy voice.

"Horrible music class fate." I complained pulling Luke through the door.

"Oh I thought you loved music?"

"Yeah not now. Maybe after this disgusting scenario." I responded.

I pulled Luke upstairs.

"I can walk you know?" He complained.

I let go, and we continued up the stairs. I opened my bedroom door, to be pushed over by Sara, my golden retriever jump on me making me start falling down the stairs. Luke grabbed my foot and pulled me up again.

"Jesus Sara calm down. Jump on Luke or something." I complained and giggled.

"Oh no thank you? Okay then Emmi Butt."

I moan and whispered, "don't call me that Puke."

I leaped onto my bed and crossed my legs. Luke walked over and sat on my bean bag.

"Singing then?" I asked.

"Yup." He said pulling out his sheet with the lyrics to the song on it.



"Pizza pizza pizza!" I shouted as I saw the man with the pizza box walk to the front door from out the window.

"Luke honey I called your parents they said you could stay over." My Mum shouted through the house.

Soon she walked up with a pizza box.

"Don't get the bed or carpet dirty." She complained.

"Okay Mum."

"Okay Mrs Preston."

I opened the box and reached for a piece to feel a hand try grab it too.

"This is my piece Luke."

"No, this is my piece Emily."



Tug of war again...




Fine he can have it. I let go of the pizza and it flew into his face.

"BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA!" I laughed so hard.



Splat. Right in my face.



"Thanks for shoving pizza in my face." I complained.

"You started it." Luke argued back.

We were in the bathroom cleaning our faces and hands.

"Okay now let's eat." I smiled walking back to the pizza.

I was wide eyed and frozen.

"What?" Luke asked seeing me frozen in the door frame.


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