Chapter 7 - Injuries

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Random pic at the top ( if on computer ) there.
Also, Niikkish and MidnightDelii are going to continue writing Amelia and Hayley's POV's.
Amelia's POV

Ever since Drama Class I had been getting these 'looks' from everyone who seen the kiss. Even if they hadn't seen it their friends who had seen it had told them. Fuck! I walk from Maths to my locker and just throw everything in there and thank god that Maths was over... What a bore! I turn around and in front of me was 'him'!

"God damn it Ashton you've done enough already!" I snap at him. I stride down the hall and he follows like a puppy... Just shoo and play fetch with your friends!

"Wait, I'm sorry!" He says as he follows me to Hayley's locker.... Shit! She wasn't there! Where was she?!

"It wasn't that bad of a kiss, was it?" He asks grinning... Damn it, his grin just- NO AMELIA! NEVER AGAIN!
I groan... To be honest that was amazing but I would never admit that!

"Have you heard what they're saying about us?!" I growl... "They're fricken calling us a couple!" He laughs and I groan again.

"What would our ship name be...? Hmmmmm..." He chuckles... Oh my god his laugh.... So dreamy... NO MIND!

"You're enjoying this aren't you?!"

"Yup! Oh I know! Ashmelia!" He says grinning and I walk away. He follows... Go get a life Ashton!

I sprint to the ladies toilet, he follows and I stop at the door and wiggle my finger left to write and point to the sign.
"Ladies only." I smirk and wave goodbye... Let's hope he doesn't wait at the door. I fix my hair and lean against the door and sigh as I slide down the door to sit on the ground... Why Ashton?! I walk out of the toilet and get pulled aside by strong arms...

"Ashton leave me alone!" Only it wasn't Ash... It was Cameron!

"Ashton?" He questions. "Is he your boyfriend?"

"Uh... No, but everyone says he is because uh... Never mind..." I stutter.

Cameron was my ex boyfriend but when I moved schools we broke up because of long distance dating. Did he move to this school?! I never got over him and he is the reason I don't date... The reason I deny my attraction for Ashton... AND NOW HE'S HERE!!!!! Fuck, what do I say?!

"Was that the dude stalking you?" He asks, he smiles and laughs. His adorable laugh! Ashton's was cuter- SHHHHH BRAIN! Don't ruin this moment!

"Uh yeah he has been for a while when I come to think of it..." I chuckle.

"I missed you..." He whispers in my ear.

I feel my cheeks burning and I know I'm blushing... He leans his forehead onto mine and I bite my lip because he's looking at them. He pushes his waist onto mine and holds one hand on my lower back and the other around my neck. He plays with my hair with one hand and tucks a strand of hair behind my ear. He gently lifts my chin so that out lips are less then millimetres away from each other. He looks into my eyes... Oh his deep blue eyes... So dreamy...
He presses his lips onto mine and slowly and softly kisses me. I kiss back and close my eyes and put my arms around his neck. Oh how long has it been? Years? Way too long! Our mouths move as one. I forgot all about every thing else, nothing mattered but him. I break away and he takes my hands in his... Wow we just moved so fast!

"I've waited so long to do that again..." He whispers and the he's gone... Oh my god... Some one slap me! Was that all a daydream and was I just kissing air?! From the corner of my eye I see Ashton at his locker watching me... Did he see Cameron??? Why should I care it's not like I have feelings for him! Oh fuck it, I do like him! Why did Cameron have to come back and just sweep me off my feet?!

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