Chapter 23 - The Resolution

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Last chapter :,)

Hayley's POV

When I got home I sat down on my bed to relax. It was already 9:30pm so it was dark and quiet, just how I liked it. I grabbed out my phone texting Amelia when I suddenly hear the front door slam open violently. Ethan isn't supposed to be home for hours..

I heard talking in manly voices I'd never heard before. Talking about some shit if never heard of. Curious, I hopped up and listened from the stairwell. I see two guys walking around my house. What the hell?! One had wavy brown hair and was pretty tall, the other was just.. cute. But hey, not as cute as Calum- I mean what who said that?

I quickly run back to my bedroom and grabbed the closest weapon to me. A sock. It's not very threatening or painful but it's the thought that counts, right?

Breathing in sharply, I make my way down the stairs. I follow the voices to the kitchen. Letting out the breath I didn't know I was holding in I run at them in a panic. "What are you doing in my house?!"

They spun around in my direction and pointed guns at me. My eyes widen in shock as I went from scared to terrified. "Why do you have a gun?! Why are you here?!"

"We're FBI agents okay?" The cute one said, pulling out a card and his partner does so as well. "We're investigating the case of Damian Beverley?"

I felt relived when they told me they were FBI and I was not going to get killed today. I nodded to them and introduced myself. "You probably already know, but I'm Hayley Yang; Damian's girlfriend."

"Hi Hayley, I'm Sam and this is my partner Dean." The tall one said. "You wouldn't mind if we asked you some questions Miss Yang?"

"Sure, no problem." I replied and lead them to the living room to sit down.

"So Hayley, do you know why Damian hurt you and your friends?" Dean asked.

"I never really knew what started it but a few years back he before we were dating he just stabbed me then things got worse from there. There was the abuse at school when I ended up in hospital, a few other times at random then the big one, you probably know all about..." I swallowed, tears welling in my eyes at the memory of Cassidy and Jennifer.

"Could you tell us more information on that?" Sam responded and I nod.

"Well I woke up in a room tied up. There was only a single lightbulb and then Damian came in and started the mind games. He had my friends on the floor and did so many different things to them... He.. he put some choking collar around Cassidy's neck and she... died trying to save me.. Jennifer was forced to... eat a.."

"A what?" Sam asked.

"Placenta. A rotten, poisoned placenta." I shuffled out. "Then she died of poisoning.."

"What did he do after that?" Dean questioned me.

"He tried to kill me last but I'd managed to call the police while he was distracted. After Cassidy was killed he pinned me down ready to kill me but then I felt the weight disappear and the police where there. He was then taken to prison." I explained and then they nodded.

"So you had other friends, right?" Sam replied.

"Yes. They found it pretty traumatic too. Emily now has breakdowns if she thinks about the deaths too much, Amelia broke down at school, Rylie cried. The boys didn't really know the girls but Calum supported me through my grief."

"Who's Calum?" Sam asked.

"Well.. It's complicated. He's a really good friend I guess..?..with benefits..? His full name is Calum Thomas Hood."

The men both nodded and exchanged some words to each other, then looked at me. "Thank you Miss Yang. We may get back to you very soon."


The next day the guys were back again. "Hello Miss Yang. We'd like to take you somewhere to show you something." Dean said.

"Oh, okay." I nodded, and slipped on my shoes. They let me into their car, which looked a bit old fashioned, but it looked cool.

After fifteen minutes or so we pull to a stop. "Hayley, have you ever heard of lost spirits?" Dean asked.

"No I haven't?" I answered confused. They both hopped out of the car and I got out too. I look around and know where I am. "Why are we at Calum's house?"

They say nothing and walked up to the window. I followed them angrily and confused. "What is going on?!" I looked though the window and saw a boy that looked nothing like the Calum I knew. He was much less tan and more of a pale, dark rings and a sad face. He sat on the couch with a glass of water in his hand, staring at the blank television screen. "What's he doing?"

"Mourning, I presume." Dean shrugged.

"Mourning who..?" I asked.

"Hayley, not only Cassidy and Jennifer died in that day." Sam said.


"What he's trying to say is, you're a spirit. You died and you've been making up this whole world as if you'd never died. We'd done some investigating and found out what happened to your other friends through Calum.

Your brother Ethan killed himself because knowing that his whole family was gone he couldn't get through it.

Rylie just decided to shut everyone out and never speaks. Her mum sent her off to a mental hospital.

Michael and Ashton got in a car crash and died after underaged drinking.

Amelia suicided, because of all the pressure and death.

Kimmy was just extremely sad and her family moved away.

Luke had apparently been going though a lot already and decided it was time for him to go as well as everyone else.

Emily got schizophrenia and pretended you were all still alive and as if nothing ever happened.

Calum is depressed because all his friends are dead."

For once in this whole time I feel like I understood everything. I was dead. Ethan was dead. Amelia is dead. Michael is dead. Ashton was dead. I was dead. I am dead. I will always be dead.

"We're sorry Miss Yang, but you have to move on. You're not helping them." Sam said. "Calum said he sees you everywhere he turns. That's because he actually is. You have to stop this."

I breathe into my lungs and out again. It's time. I think through all the memories of my life and get ready to accept it. "Wait."

I walked to Calum's front door and knock. After a few seconds the boy opens the door. Is eyes go wide and his hands raise to his jaw dropped mouth and he stumbled backwards.

"H-Hayley..?" He mumbled in a husky voice.

"Calum, don't be afraid. I'm here to tell you; don't hurt yourself. I'm sorry for never accepting your feelings properly. I'm sorry I never noticed you that way. I just want you to know that life will go on without all of us. You can do this, I know you can. Please, don't waste your life away because of us, it wasn't your fault. Make sure Emily and Rylie are okay for me. If you can, Kimmy too. I promise that everything will be okay if you just believe me."

I see tears fall down his cheeks and he pulled me into a hug. That's all I needed to know he understood.

It'd really all come to an end, but maybe in our dreams we can all meet again

and in my bed of eternal sleep; we will be infinite.

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