Chapter Episode 1 How It All Began (Gaius)

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Dragon Ball: Gaius: Goten's Saga Season 2

Chapter Episode 1

How It All Began (Gaius)

[Please be patient, this is still Dragon ball Trunks continuation. However you will see why it had to come from the story direction it took, so you may understand how very terrible this dimension really is, and why Saiyans look exactly like humans, and a lot of other reasons why.]

Earth's Stein Sector 4

"I'm not going out tonight!"
"Why? Are you sick son?" The burly human loved his children, but recently, strange talks were stirring about some type of crazy beings from another world. It made Gluber kind of on edge, especially since those purple lunatics were recruiting, no . . . kidnapping humans for interplanetary missions. 'But no one's taking my little Gaius; no, not while I'm here standing.
"Ahh!" "Momma!!" "Momma!!"
"Eeekkkkkaaa!!" "Help me!!!" "Please . . . please don't take my Eka . . !"
A mother was screaming for her son, and the son for his mother.
There was nothing this father could do, but wait . . , wait till they got to him, . . . to his son.
Gluber looked over at his still sleeping son

The screams of parents and children filled the air . . . Just days ago, they were a thriving happy people. As their chief and leader it was always love, and helping each other that had been the basics of their existence. Whenever there was fighting, it was usually a form of sport like competitions, and it was always followed with neighborly love. He was king . . . because he was always the best . . . that was how it was with their tribe, every since he knew of their existence. They taught never to kill, never to harm . . . but now it was his son . . . his young son who he was to going to have to protect . . .
"Braxm!" The door flew in, off its hinges . . . passing hurriedly by a standing, unflinching Gluber. The big man stood unmoving head bent, his face darker than normal.
A purple soldier stood tall and stout in front of him. Reaching forward, the Burter tried to grab the sleeping boy, after all, that is what they came for, the children, to be sold for slaves . . .
"Rhaah!!!" Before the soldier could touch the little boy, Gluber had his big hands gripping the alien's neat uniform -
"Brash!" But it was Gluber who went flying, out into the road, taking almost half of his board house with him.
He was weak, yet he was the strongest of his people, but not to compare with these . . . things.
"Buddut" . . . "Buddut" . . . "Buddut . . . heart beating deafly inside his being, resound joy, no . . . passion, this is it, this feeling, this was who he was . . .
Jumping to his feet Gluber got up, shook off the debri . . "Tssuummm!" he dodged the laser shot that zoomed at him and ran behind the still standing side of the house "brackkks!" a huge log came crashing through the house, but the armed soldier ducked.
"Gotcha", Gluber's hands came firmly around the creatures body.
More and more Burters came to watch the action. No human alive could or would ever defeat just one of them . . .
"Hurraaah!" Gluber jumped into the air, still holding on to his foe, bringing the big alien back down, head first "Brum".
This Burter was no more. The others looked at each other out of fear? Now, switching their deadly ammunition to taser, they shot.

Looking around the house, they saw no one else but their Comrade, and the unconscious human.

"Huhh, . . . huhh, . . . huhh . . ." Huffing and puffing, Genny had her eight year old son in her hands as she ran away from the turmoil. She was directed to go behind the house, whilst her husband Gluber caused a big distraction. As she ran she could hear the turmoil become more and more distant.
In the darkness, with only the full moon to give some glimmer of light, she could see others fleeing with their children.
"Pzumm!" "Pzumm!" Deadly laser lights zoomed past her or the others.
They heard it, but would they make it? Soon the grass filled landscape came to an end, and with one leap the young lady and her son went falling into the darkness.
As the wind whistle past her, the young woman braced herself for the sudden impact.
"Splash!" . . . Though the deathly cold water had stung brutally on impact, at least she and her son was still alive.
"Cough, cough." As Genny fought for air, she unwittingly lessened her tight grip on her son in a moment of reaction, only for a huge wave to snatch him away from her.
"Gaius!!" "Gaius!!" She hadn't had time to wake him up, for he was a very active boy, and she didn't know if he had awakened at some point, or, or . . . "Gaius!!"
"I'm here!" "Cough" I'm here mommy!"
. . . . . . .
Reaching the shore, Gaius' first question was, "Where's daddy?"
"I . . , I don't know . . ?" Genny sobbed. Her husband was often very strict, but loved her immensely, so obeying his direct orders was almost second nature to her . . . but . . . now she had lost her husband. Tears poured down like rain and soon formed puddles at her feet.
"It's okay mom . . . I know that you love us . . . now I need you to believe that we will both be okay . . . "
Genny stopped crying and now had a confused look on her face.
"It's destiny mom . . . it's destiny. No matter . . ."
"Where are . . . you going"? The distraught mother interrupted her son as he made his way back in the direction they had just come from.
"To save dad, mom, to get dad . . . but . . . I may not return . . . so soon, . . . because I feel like I am fulfilling a purpose, and I need to go."
Too stunned to move, she stared at her son . . . Placing her head into her trembling hands, Genny started sobbing again.
"I love you mom . . ."
The voice seemed like it was fading. Genny looked up, and her beloved son was nowhere to be seen. "Gaius!!!!!"

Moments later . . .

Reaching the huge mother ship, The boy observed Burters hording humans into their ship. 'But . . , where . . .' His eyes caught sight of a man tied up and in a cage. He wasn't moving. But he could tell that it was his dad.
Walking calmly up to a Burter that was giving the orders, he asked, "Can I go with that man?"
The leader observed the young boy's steadfastness and then looked over at the caged man. "Where he is going, you cannot go?"
"Why not?"
The other Burters were now looking on at the young boy who wasn't crying like the others, as he freely spoke to their leader; No look of concern for the graveness of the events that was still taking place to his kinsfolk.
"He will be going to Tenchen, that is a place for warriors only."
Gaius looked into the Burter's eyes, stepped back, folded his fists, and prepared to attack.
The Leader looked at him. and took the boy's punch to his face "Blup!"
"Blelom!" "Come here!"
A young scrawny Burter came up to the tall leader, who motioned him over to the little boy.
You could see from his suppressed smile that the younger soldier wanted to laugh, and laugh out loud, but instead, he complied.
"Woosh." "Bup".
With one swoop Gaius buckled over holding his stomach, and ready to past out.
Blelom walked away, as if fighting the child was an insult to him. Gaius meanwhile forced away all of the pain and stood.
"Rhaaa!" In a moment the little boy was on Blelom's back.
Try as he may the big alien just couldn't get the boy off. Up and down the Burter went hoping . . . Finally, giving in, he dropped down on his back, impaling the youth. When realising what had happened, he was up in a flash, and then down on his back again, repeatedly smashing Gaius onto the ground, but the boy wouldn't let go; So in one tremendous effort to get the boy off the soldier jumped as high as he could.
As the pair went up high, Gaius waited for the right moment and then rocked back as hard as he could, causing the Burter to come flying down head first; Hurling back towards the ground, the boy, who is now on top, jumped off, pushing the purple assailant groundwards as hard as he could.
Seeing the dramatic turn around the leader step forwards and grabbed his thin comrade from certain death.
Gaius, still battered and bleeding, again, walking calmly up to the leader, asked, can I go with my dad.
. . . "whhap!"
The head Burter slapped him hard, sending the youth flying.
Everyone else looked at the little boy with pity: He did put up a half decent fight.
The leader looked over to where the little boy lay.
"Put the little boy with his father!" . . . "And make sure they get something decent to eat!"

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