Chapter 1: Encounter...

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Author here! So I have come across a slight dilemma with this but I'll just leave it at the end of this chapter. Enjoy!

*Last Time*

Toshinori: Now what do say Young Midoriya?

Izuku: I-


Izuku: Sorry All-Might but I can't accept your power. I'll give you my reasoning. I still have to control this power I have right now.

He says while he forms his blade from his hand.

Toshinori: Understandable. I hope to see you at UA! Good Luck!

Izuku: Hai!

Izuku starts to run back to his apartment...

*30 mins before the Incident, Midoriya's Residence*

Inko is Izuku's mother. She still has her slim figure since Izuku was still determined to be a hero regardless of being quirkless. She supported him throughout all of the dangers of being a hero.

She went into the living room and grab the TV remote and turned it on.

Breaking News!

A teenager had been used as a hostage. The heros are currently trying to figure a way out to save him.

Inko looked a bit more and recognizes the teenager.


It seems there is another teenager with green hair trying to save this other young man.

Inko's heart just stopped for a moment...

Inko: *Icchan!*

What's this?! There seems to be something wrong with the green haired teenager!

Is that a mask?! He's ripping if off!

Inko: Icchan! What are you doing?! Run!

He ripped off the mask but...he's BLEEDING!

Inko had just fainted.

L-look! H-his eyes!? His eye's are yellow!

Inko had just awoken.

Inko: My baby!

He has a new attire! It looks to be a leather jacket with red gloves! That's not all! It looks like there is something behind him!
Zoom in on him!

Izuku: Arsene!

Izuku: Let's go!

Inko had fainted yet again.


Izuku gets back to his apartment and opens the door.

Izuku: Okaa-san! I'm home!

He looked around and searched for his mom...

Izuku: Okaa-sa-

He looked down to see his mom on the ground.

Izuku: Oh for Kami's sake...

Author: Don't blame me for this!

Izuku: Shut up! And fix the wall!

Author: Don't have to tell me twice!

Izuku: Alright...

He picked up his mom and puts her on the couch.

She stirs a bit and wakes up.

She looked at Izuku for a few moments before hugging him to deat-

Author: That wasn't supposed to be scripted!

Inko: Say that again or I'll beat you with a frying pan!

Author: Hai...


She gives him a bear hug....and slaps his forehead.

Inko: You made me worry Icchan!

She says while she had some tears threatening to come out.

Izuku: N-no! Don't cry! I'm fine.

Inko then starts to wipe her tears away.

Izuku: I have a quirk now! Look!

He summons his blade and the mask appears again.

Izuku: See! There is nothing to worry about Okaa-san!

Inko softly hits him...

Inko: Nothing to worry about! I saw you on the news! You were just standing there for a few seconds without moving!

Izuku: W-well I was thinking about something in my mind...

Inko: What can you possibly think about at a time like that?!

Izuku: U-uh trying to think of his weakness...?

Inko stared at him...

Inko: Well... Fine.. As long as you you are out of harm's way.

Izuku sighs...

*Timeskip BTYB a chibi Izuku petting a chibi Morgana*

Futaba Sakura is a teenager with a lot of intellect however she is bit short. Her quirk is bit of a secret...

(Author: Please give me a quirk and it's description so she can use it! I'll shout you next chapter!)

Some people around her apartment think that Intelligence is her quirk.

Although she prefers to hack into mainframes and cause a bit of mischief.

Her hair color is natural orange and she wears glasses that covers her grey-silver eyes.

She was walking down towards her favorite cafe close by.

She looks around inside and sees that all of the tables are full...she spots a seat but it's right next to a teenager with wild green hair and emerald-green eyes with a book in one hand and a cup of coffee in the other.

She sheepishly makes her way towards the table.

Futaba: Excuse me but is the seat next to you free?

???: Be my guest. Let me just move so you can go through.

He gets up and towers over her.

She lightly pouts because of his height and sits down.

???: Can I ask for your name?

Futaba: As long as you tell me yours first...

???: How silly of me... My name is Izuku Akira Midoriya.

Futaba: Mine's Futaba Sakura... Can I call you Akira-kun if you don't mind?

Izuku: But of course as long as I call you Futaba-chan?

Futaba: Deal!

Author here! Sorry if it's a bit short...

Tell me what you think!

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