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Kaitlyn's POV

"Peter calm down." I whisper pulling Maddie closer to my chest because his vibrating and anxiousness is making her fussy. "How am I supposed to calm down when the last time she saw me was seven months ago, hitmen were in our front yard, and now I'm back but with a baby? She doesn't even know you were pregnant..."

"This is your mom we're talking about, and Charles telepathically explained the situation when it first happened." I soothe as we walk up the sidewalk that leads to the suburban home. Honestly I'm just as anxious the last time we had an encounter with one of our moms I got a bottle smashed on my head.

"He left out the part about the baby." He grumbles under his breath as he knocks on the door. His foot is still tapping away picking up speed with each passing second, and I'm worried he's going to drill a hole through the porch.

On the other hand I'm trying my best to stay calm for Maddie's sake. She may not fully have her powers because she's still a baby, but Charles swears she's a telepath of sorts. So when we feel something a little to strongly she picks up on it and it makes her fussy.

"Because I asked him too, I wanted to tell her to her face..." I stop as the door opens revealing Magda herself and little Lorna peeking at us from behind her mom. It takes her a second to realize who we are, and entire minute to process the baby in my arms.

"Peter oh god..." She gasps her arms wrapping around his neck like magnets catching him off guard, a fate within itself. "How dare you break your father out of the Pentagon, and then continue to follow him into that mess! You're grounded and... And I was so worried." She shouts her mood changing every five seconds, and next thing I know she's sobbing into his chest holding onto him for dear life.

"Mom I'm fine, but can we come in? We've got a lot to catching up to do." He pipes up after a minute and she pulls back wiping her eyes turning to me with a playful smirk. "Yeah I would say we do."

We follow her into the homey living room Lorna trying her best to curiously peek at Maddie, but I have hidden pretty well. I want to get through most of our story before we show them.

"Last I heard you guys broke up?" She asks while leaning back casually sipping her coffee while Lorna plops down beside Peter on the couch latching onto him like a leech. "I did, I wanted to protect her, but I didn't know..."

"That I was pregnant." I interrupt and from there we both explain the events that went down within the next few days, and the months following. She sits there and for the most part takes it really well, there were a few parts where she looked like she wanted to cry, but other than that it was good.

"Well since we're past the part where I scream at you for not being safe, can I see my granddaughter?" She asks biting her lip nervously, and I happily hand her over admiring how Lorna immediately jumps up to sit by her mom, and they both coo over Maddie.

"Those are the prettiest eyes..." Magda trails off and Lorna giggles as Maddie makes grabby hands at her hair. She has an odd obsession with it at the moment. "What's her name, how old is she? I can't believe I missed this because you two were in hiding, this whole mutant control thing has gotten out of hand."

She stops covering her mouth with her hands as Maddie tries to roll around in her lap. "Her name's Madalyn Magda Maximoff, and she's two months old." Peter speaks up for me while his arm snakes around my shoulders giving me a smile as his mom's eyes light up.

"Has your father seen her?" She asks once she's handed her back to me, and I can tell she's trying her best to stay calm while talking about Erik, even though I'm sure he does quite the opposite. "He actually stayed once I told him everything." Peter adds happily and Magda's jaw figuratively hit the floor.

"Your father," she pauses taking a chance to point at Peter. "Actually agreed to stay somewhere?" She laughs dryly, and I turn focusing my attention on Lorna who is still intently staring at Maddie with a cute curiosity. "Do you want to hold her?"

"Yes!" She instantly squeals and help adjust Maddie so she comfortably lounging in her aunt's lap, and of course I'm hovering just in case something happens.

"Are you guys sure you're safe?" I hear Magda ask Peter, and he hesitates probably freaking his poor mom out more. After everything we just told her I'd be surprised if she let us leave. "The X-Men have put the weapon x program through hell these last few months so for now we're safe, but it's only a matter of time."

"So what are you going to do?" She asks grasping his arm like it's her life line. "Well we're going to stay at the school Kaitlyn's dad runs. It's the safest place, and that way Maddie doesn't have to grow up hiding since she has a physical mutation."

"But I like her purple eyes, they're pretty. Why would she want to hide them?" Lorna asks still playing with Maddie's little caterpillar fingers. Magda steps forward crouching in front of her youngest a sad look in her eyes. "Well honey some people would see her, and assume she's bad because she looks different."

"Are you going to disappear for a long time again?" Lorna asks directing her attention towards Peter and I sensing that her mom didn't want to say anything else. I look up at Peter taking in his blank expression with disdain before I turn back to Lorna.

I force a smile, but for a ten year old she's oddly observant and isn't buying my act. "We're going to try and visit as often as we can." I finally respond still sounding unsure because that's what our future is right now. A big unsure mess.

"Again I ask what's your plan?" Magda interjects herself back into the conversation sitting back down on the armchair across from us. "We're going to finish our senior year at the school, Kelsey's going to teach afterwards, and I'm going to be an X-Man."

I nod along but I know there's still more to figure out. Erik wants to know if we're going to get married, and Charles is worried about us not having college degrees. However at the moment I have no idea how to solve their problems let alone my own. I'm kind of praying it'll just work out along the way.

But I've never had that kind of luck.

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