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Kaitlyn's POV

"It's official this calculus final will be my death." I groan pacing around Hank's classroom my face stuffed in my notebook. "Why do you think we're the only two in the class?" Jean mumbles out from her slumped over position at her desk.

I pause for a moment turning to make sure Maddie is still on her play mat, and thankfully she is. "Because while we're the smartest people in this school we're also the biggest idiots?" I ask tiredly trying to smile, but my muscles are so worn I can't.

"Ding ding ding, right on the money..." She sighs as she continues to go over her notes with glazed eyes to the point that I don't even know if she can see anything. "Why are we up? It's one a.m."

"I believe it was your child that woke us up, and you who insisted that we study if we're going to be up." Jean explains with an evil glare in Maddie's direction. "Well we do have our calculus, P.E. and our English finals tomorrow."

"For that we need sleep!" She groans dramatically, Maddie gives her the what for eyes hearing the strangled noise, and then she copies it to the best of her ability. "I do my best work when I'm sleep deprived."

"No you don't."

"But if I convince myself by saying it enough times then my mind will eventually believe it." I state confidently biting my tongue to stop myself from laughing upon seeing her 'go screw yourself' look.

"You're not the telepath Kaitlyn." She quips rolling her eyes untill they land back on her calculus textbook, and I do the same. I mean, if we're going to be up we should work.


Kaitlyn's POV

"How about an X-Men themed party?" Scott asks, and I look over my physics book to give him a glare because he can't possibly think going back down this path is a good idea. "Why can't anything be normal around here?" I groan falling back onto the couch looking to Maddie, who's happily bouncing on Peter's lap, for help.

"Because we're not normal people Kait." He counters all of his notes and books discarded and forgotten even though we've only been studying for thirty minutes. "Speak for yourself Scott." Ororo snaps never looking up from her notebook, and Kurt nervously glances between the two of them.

"Kaity?" Peter whispers right in my ear making me jump right off the couch. "What?" I whisper back just as quietly once I've settled back down in my seat. He just points to a question on the study guide glaring at it with obvious disdain, and I bite back a giggle because his confused puppy eyes look exactly like Maddie's.

Slowly I start to explain the problem to him, and after going over the math problem five times he kind of starts to grasp it. I kiss his cheek, and when I pull away Maddie does the same their dopey smiles matching, and now I think everyone can hear my heart hammering through my chest.

"I'm going to fail this German final." Scott whines again, and Jean sharply jabs him in the gut as four other sets of eyes glare him down. "That's the only final I'm going to pass with flying colors." Peter chuckles happily closing his own notebook to focus on our friends.

Still our friends look really confused hearing this since I'm assuming they all thought he was going to fail everything except P.E. After all he hasn't made his talents known yet. "My dad speaks a lot of German." He shrugs simply making it seem like he's just been picking up a few words even though it's quite the opposite.

They stop seeming to be confused, or hung up on the idea, so I hit Peter's shoulder nudging him to go on.

"Diese Leute sind so ahnungslos.(These people are so unaware.)" He sighs some of his pronunciations slightly off, but he is still some much better than me. "Sei nett, das sind unsere Freunde.(Be nice these are our friends.)" I respond my German being the one that's rougher around the edges, but I know it just makes Erik happy to see us try.

"We want Maddie to grow up with German, Yiddish really, as a second language." I explain to my awestruck friends, and on cue the hyper little girl gurgles in response smacking her hands together. "Papi!" She squeals on cue slapping Peter across the chest proving our point more.

"Damit du mich verstehen kannst?(So you can understand me?)" Kurt asks and Peter eagerly nods while I make a so-so gesture with my hand.

"Okay guys enough with the weird words my brain already hurts enough." Jean laughs and Scott agrees rubbing his head as he flips through his notes to try and piece together what we were talking about.

"Ooo Kaitlyn I think I have an idea for little Maddie's party." Kurt blurts his accent making some of his words to understand, but at this point I'm used to it.

"A circus!"


Kaitlyn's POV

"Happy birthday dear Maddie, happy birthday to you!" We all finish the song trying to prompt Maddie to blow out her candle, but after a few minutes Peter crouches behind her acting like she did it.

I cut a slice of the cake, and set it in front of her laughing as she immediately stuffs it in her mouth just like her father.

"You know I think this party is more for you guys than it is for her." I scoff giving Raven a quick glare, but really she's right like always. "But we deserve it."

"Sure the only English final I've graded that's half way decent has been yours." My dad butts in, and before I can respond Raven picks up the camera hanging around her neck and makes us take a picture before hurrying off to do the same to Erik and Peter.

"Which is why it's such a shame you won't consider-"

"I thought we agreed that we weren't going to talk about college today?" I groan, no one else has to go so why do I have to. Is it because I'm normal? Is he trying to get me to do something with my life because he knows I won't amount to anything here?

"You're right we did." He sighs dropping the subject even though I know it's paining him to do so.

I take the handles of his wheelchair and push him over to the table where Maddie is still seated as Peter and Erik start to help her open her presents. "Slow down grandoter." Erik chides softly as she tosses a purple monkey Scott and Kurt got her aside.

She's mesmerized with Erik's gift, a farmer says wheel that is in German, that and the cabbage patch doll Jean and Ororo got her. However the books my dad gave her surprisingly came in a close second. Of course she couldn't appreciate the cute X-Men outfit I made for her that matches Peter's, but everyone else loved it.

Overall it was a good way to end my hectic week.

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