Forever Family

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It's only been a few hours since Bakugou's break down. All the students were still in shock and some were brought down by their guilt. The teachers thought it would be a bad idea to question him now. The blond was in a terrible state and would refuse to leave Kirishima's side.

Jirou and Denki were brought to the hospital. Denki was sent out after a few hours in recovery as he had only minor injuries and a minor concussion. The concussion rendering him not being able to use his quirk to its fullest extent.

Jirou on the other hand wasn't so lucky. The blast she took had damaged her rib cage. She had passed out on the way to the hospital. It was successfully healed with no problems or complications. Jirou is now in recovery and is now only allowed to be visited by family.

Bakugou had a Drop. He could only feel things around him. But he couldn't really react as he would like to. It was like he was always spaced out. He could hear barely and noises around him. It was like the outside world never existed. The Drop has caused him to be in a deadly mental state. But the doctors and nurses did all they could to save the boy.

Class was dismissed early and Bakugou was sent to the hospital. Everyone was crossing their fingers and were hoping that the boy would pull through. Only the class had heard about the scars and wounds that were found on the boy. Not even mentioning the blond's mental state to the class. But Aziawa did tell a certain group of kids as he sent the off to visit the blond in the hospital.

"Alright since you are the kids that UA sent I'll explain some rules. Since you four are really close to Bakugou I am trusting you to help him. I ask of you to treat him like nothing happened. Like everything that you saw when you saved him never happened," A doctor said to a certain quartet of people as they stood outside of a hospital room.

Denki, Sero, Mina, and Kirishima were standing outside of Bakugou's room. Each holding a present bag of some sort. All of the felt exited that their friend was back. But each were filled with different levels of worry and sorrow. None of them wished this torture on their friend.

Soon the doctor stepped aside and allowed the four to enter. As soon as they stepped in the atmosphere felt heavy. The mood of the room was off and a wave of sadness and fear hit the four. Sitting on a bed in the middle of all the mix and waves of emotion was the blond himself.

Bakugou was just looking out into space. His hands were folded in his lap with his back against the stacked pillows. His legs were out stretched beneath the white blanket. He had bandages lining his arms and some were seen under his clothing. Bakugou hadn't even noticed the four step in as he was so caught up in his thoughts.

Sero made the first move as he knocked on the door frame. The sudden noise made Bakugou flinch witch surprised the group at the door. Bakugou looked up at his friends and gave them a nod of recognition. He nodded over to some chairs that were set on the other side of the room. The four got the message and pulled them up to the blond's bed with two on each side.

Mina and Denki were the closest to the blond with Kirishima and Sero close to the back. Mina had tears in her eyes and suddenly she couldn't hold it anymore. She hugged the blond tightly and buried her face in his shoulder. He seemed unfazed as he kept looking into the distance. He didn't feel it when Kirishima reaches over Denki to hold his hand tightly.

Each of the three were crying but they had smiles across their faces. Their Bakugou was back... Maybe not completely but he was back with his family. Bakugou was a key part of their lives. The blond may have been mean and stubborn but he was family. He was the one who made them a team. Weather Bakugou liked it or not. He was the glue that held this family together and they were planning to keep it that way.

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