Steps to recovery

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A few days later...

"How is Kacchan doing? How is his mental state? Is he getting along fine? Has he had any outbursts? I haven't visited him yet... I honestly don't think that he wants me to visit," Izuku said as he rubbed the back of his neck as he looked up at his red haired friend.

"Bakugou is doing fine Midoriya... He should be fine and can be let out in about a week and maybe eve less. You not visiting might be for the best. Bakugou is still getting over his shock. He can sense the things around him but he's still jumpy and has a pretty slow reaction time. But he has said some sentences and has showed signs of healing," Kirishima said to the shorter boy as the two walked through the UA hallway.

It was the end of the day and Midoriya had approached Kirishima with a handful of questions that took Kirishima awhile to answer. The questions consisted of what kind of tests were run on Bakugou to where he was staying. The class had already left when the two boys were picking up their bags from the classroom floor. Others had questions for the whole Bakusquad and some did ask their questions. But some just left the group alone for now and thought about asking the questions at a better time.

Soon the two walked out of the front doors of UA. Midoriya waved good bye to his friend as he went to his usual crew. Kirishima saw his usual hangout group hanging out near the front gate of the school. With a huge smile Kirishima headed over to his friends. Kirishima made wide steps and we waved and soon the group spotted the happy looing red head.

"Hey Kiri! What's up with you and Midoriya? I've never seen you guys talk to each other a lot..." Mina stated in an odd tone as she was the first to spot the red head approaching the group.

"Nothing is going on between us Mina... It's just that... Midoriya was just asking me questions about Bakugou. I feel bad that I couldn't answer all of his questions," Kirishima said with a sigh as he friends gave him a look of understanding as all off them had been questioned some time that day.

The group was all there... Well except Bakugou who was still recovering in the hospital, of course. Jiro had been let out a day prior and had a full filled recovery. Everyone was so happy that she was alright. Koda had promised the girl to do something for her in the future since she did save his life after all.

Denki's condition had gotten a bit better. As he could finally use his quirk to the fullest extent. He could now push himself instead of holding back during training. His bones that required a brace to function were now working perfectly. The small cuts and bruises were now gone and had faded away.

"I get that... I was questioned all day. Some people asked about my injuries but most asked about Bakugou... Not that I blame them," Denki said as he crossed his arms and leaned against the school front gate and looked up to the sky.

"When do you think he's gonna get out of the hospital?" Mina asked the group after having thought of the question a few hours ago.

"They said it might be in a few days. But that's when he'll get out of the hospital... Not including all the therapy that he might have to go through. Plus all the police forms he has to fill out," Jiro said as she just shook her head sadly as Denki patted her on the back.

"I feel bad for Bakugou... If I could have been stronger back then... When I tried to save him. Then he wouldn't be in this condition. If I could have just held on... If i didn't let him slip away... He would still be here and not at the hospital," Kirishima said sadly looking down at the pavement as he was drowning in guilt.

"Like we said Kiri... It's not your fault! You were the only one of us who were willing to go and save Bakugou! You tried your best and we are all proud of you! Even if you didn't save Bakugou.." Sero interjected as he gave a thumbs up to the boy standing across from him.

"I get it... Thanks guys for keeping me upbeat all this time. I really enjoy your company. You guys are what kept me here at school. If it wasn't for you guys I would have dropped out," Kirishima said and soon he felt a small vibration from his right pocket.

Kirishima jumped at the sudden feeling but soon pulled out hs phone. With his thumb he swiped across the screen and pressed the button on the top corner to turn on the speaker. Kirishima didn't know who it was or if it was a conversation only meant for him to hear... But the people standing around him were like family. So he trusted them with private stuff like this.

"Hey! Kirishima was it? We need you over here at the hospital... Something came up and I think you would like to know," Kirishima and everyone else heard as the voice of Bakugou's mom came from the phone.

"We'll be right there! We're not that far as we're right outside of the school. We'll meet you in the hallway outside of Bakugou's room if thats of with you at least," Kirishima said into the phone as his voice was a little unsure and nervous even thought he really didn't need to be.

"That would be great Kirishima. Also thanks for bringing your friends along. Katsuki needs you guys more than ever," She said in a pretty sad tome of voice and soon the call ended and Kirishima pocketed his phone once again.

Soon they all gathered their bags and headed out. Some people recognizing them as UA students as they walked passed. Some people stopped to say hello and other asked questions. You really don't get a break when your in the troubled class 1-A fo you? The answer is mostly you don't because of all the hectic things happening.

Soon Kirishima and the gang were at the front door of the hospital. Sero went to go check in so they could visit Bakugou. Soon Sero came back with passes for everyone. They all traveled through the long hallways. Some of the nurses even recognized Kaminari and Jiro from when they were hospitalized themselves. To the both of them that's not a really do way to be remembered. Soon the group came up to Bakugou's room which his mom was waiting for them outside.

"I need only for Kirishima to go in... The doctor is present and has somethings you all need to know," She said to them and they all silently complied as everyone but Kirishima sat down on a metal bench that was against the wall.

Kirishima gave them all a hopeful look and soon he entered the room. The room smelt like alcohol and other cleaning products. Sitting up straight in the hospital bed was none other than the blond himself. He wasn't as clueless as he once was when he was hit by his "Drop." But he still looked fragile. Kirishima soon spotted the doctor sitting in the far left corner of the room and a chair set at the foot of Bakugou's bed. The red head sat down and braced himself for what was about to some.

"Sit down pleas if you would... I need to explain something to you. I need you to share this with your teacher and friends," The doctor said and all Kirishima could do was nod in response as he just waited for the news.

"As you know Bakugou went into a drop... His mental state is what caused the drop. But sadly this condition doesn't only affect you mental. It also affects you body. So I'm sad to say that Bakugou is in no condition to do somethings at school," The doctor said and Kirishia sighed in relief.

"Just a few things at school? I'll tell everyone right away. That shouldn't be that bad right Bakugou? Whats a little bit of weakness in the bones gonna stop you from going?" Kirshima said with his trademark smile to the explosive blond eh just let out a sigh.

"You don't understand do you shitty hair?" Bakugou asked and Kirishima looked over at him puzzled and surprised as he hasn't heard the blond speak in days.

"What do you mean I don't understand... Would you both like to elaborate? You said that he couldn't do somethings... So that means he is a little bit weak? How that gonna st-" I stated but I was cut off be Bakugou's frustrated scream. What he said shattered my heart and guilt panged through my body. I couldn't believe this at all...


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