Can You Forgive Yourself?

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Bakugou flinched a bit as he woke up. But when he took a breath and didn't smell chemicals and cleaning supplies he smiled. He also didn't smell the rotting smell of his old cell with the villains. He couldn't hear the vacuuming from the hallway in the hospital or the laughing of villains right outside his cell door. This made him small a soft smile as he noticed his freedom.

But the smile was short lived when he noticed he couldn't move. He wanted to sit up but his arms were tightly pinned around my arms. Something was wrapped securely around him. The blond had some wiggle room but not enough to escape whatever was around him. Soon he was struggling so much that the bed sheets might cause him to have minor rug burns.

But he could only move his arms. His legs were numb and even though his brin begged for them to move... They didn't budge. No matter how much effort he put into anything nothing worked. He started to become exhausted but never stopped struggling.

"Whoa! Bakugou calm down! You're safe! There is nothing to be afraid of! Calm down! I need you to breath. In then out for me... Alright?" A voice called as the blond started setting of small warning sparks as he kept struggling, punching, and begging for his legs to move even if it was just a little bit.

Bakugou soon stopped and took a deep breath. He took shaky breaths in at a sharp breath out. His lungs were burning and begging for air as he took the breaths. But soon he calmed down and closed his eyes. He tried feeling the area around him and noticed he was in his dorm room. Hs sheets smelled clean and fresh.

Soon he looked up to see the redhead himself. He looked down at Bakugou with a look of confusion and concern. Bakugou hated that look and tried to pull his gave away but couldn't find a reason too. He just sighed and just buried his face into the redhead's chest and let out a shaky sigh. Kirishima had never seen Bakugou like this... So he just took his hands and ran them through the blond's hair.

"Kirishima! I thought I was back there... With the villains! All the walls closing in and all that cliche shit. Sorry for bothering you... You probably have other things to take care of other than me... I've been gone for months for heaven's sake," Bakugou said simply into Kirishima's chest not wanted to look at the redhead in general... Especially after what just happened.

"Bakugou... I don't have to take care of anything else... It's the weekend and I've already asked Momo to help me with my homework. I'm all set and we can just hang out! So how about we go downstairs and get some food?" Kirishima asked and the blond just nodded and let Kirishima pick him up.

Soon Kirishima and Bakugou, who was in his wheelchair, arrived at the first floor. As soon as the doors opened Bakugou was surprised to see almost all of his classmates there. He wasn't surprised to see Shinsou in his class. He figured the stupid grape got kicked out or something. Soon everyone was cheering and celebrating Bakugou's return.

"Why are you fuckers celebrating me coming back?" Bakugou asked with a confused look as Kirishima rolled the wheelchair closer to everyone else.

"What do you mean Bakugou. We are you're classmates so it's mandatory that we treat you as family," Iida said and all the other teens in the room nodded.

"But I was a dick to you all... I thought you would have been happy that I went missing... No more explosive, mean, villianish, violent, selfish, egotistic and tough Bakugou to push anyone around... I know you guys probably thought that's Bakugou being Bakugou! But it's wrong! What I did to you all is wrong! Why can't you see that?" Bakugou asked and all his classmates just stared.

"Bakugou we know that you did do some bad things... But that doesn't make you a bad person... We forgive you Bakugou... The real question is... Can you forgive yourself?" Mina asked the blonde as she took a step near the boy and soon wrapping him in a hug.

The party resumed as normal. Everyone talked and played around. Soon Bakugou found himself left alone with his new purple haired classmate. Shinsou was wearing his normal civilian clothing and was leaning against the wall with a drink in his hand. Bakugou didn't want to start conversation cause he knew the boy's quirk... But Shinsou though otherwise.

"If you don't want to talk to me because of my quirk then fine... Just listen. I came to class 1-A to get better as a hero. I didn't want or expect to gain friends in this class. But I didn't just fond friends... I found a family. You're lucky to have these people Bakugou. When you we gone they were all worried sick. They kept asking the teacher day by day about your investigation. Even if you don't believe it... They really all do care Bakugou. Like Mina said... They all forgive you. You just need to learn how to forgive yourself," Shinsou said and with that he walked out of the room and out of the sight of Bakugou.

"I see that you're gotten along with Shinsou... He wouldn't even talk to us for a week. But he's opening up. What did he say to you?" Bakugou hear someone ask and turned hs head to see Kirishima looking down at him.

"To be honest Kiri... He made me start thinking about things I never really considered," Bakugou said as he looked at the doorway that Shinsou disappeared behind.

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