Grand Finale

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The crowds had dissolved into fits of anger. Groups of Centurions struggled to keep the warring people apart , but fists and kicks connected anyways.
Both Reyna and Frank eyed their enemy carefully. She'd called for the registration of legacies, to document their heritage, to escort them into smaller rings about the city where they'd remain unnoticed. They were useless in her eyes, and this upstart called for a resurgence of Rome's glory days. Desired an empire that seeped into the mortal world too.
In Reyna's eyes, Lydia was a threat to New Rome as a whole, and she'd give nothing to punch the girl in the face. However, that wouldn't do any good. Not with the position she and Frank were currently in.
Chaos continued for another moment before it slowly died. The silence was thick, uncomfortable, and by the way Frank shifted in his seat...unnerving. Still, he watched Lydia with care. As did Reyna.
The girl walked along the stage as if she were a general pacing in front of troops. Watching her with narrowed eyes Reyna tried to see what angle she was playing at.
"You see, the two current praetors have no real power, their authority isn't even legal. In fact, even now they aren't real candidates." Lydia spoke slowly as if each syllable was important. "In the few days I've been here I was eager to research as much of the camp history as possible. And I discovered something quite damning for your supposed leaders. They're frauds."

Silence overcame the people as confusion and gasps of anger rang out. Even Reyna was at a loss for what she meant. Clearly though, by the smug expression on Lydia's face, she knew what she was up to.

"By law an election must be provided to elect new praetors." Reyna glanced to where Thalia stood on the roof. The Huntress' eyes were narrowed nearly to slits as she surveyed the area for danger. Her brother was in the crowed somewhere. "However, there was no election for either of them."

"I was given command on the battle field. My authority is legal!" Frank said, anger creeping into his tone.

"Was it? You see, the previous praetor Jason Grace was also never elected. Both he and his comrade were given the position without following the appropriate order of events. The protocol you all so deeply respect. And by breaking this protocol, their authority doesn't exist.  Even now it's void of any meaning." Lydia paused in her pacing and turned to face the crowd. "Meaning one thing and one thing only. By technical terms if the candidate field has been eliminated to only two candidates, then they automatically assume office."

"Your plans won't work. Not with him to balance you out." Frank said as the other finalist (a young boy both Frank and Reyna admired)  stood with a vicious glare.

"I don't condone this in the slightest. You have no camp experience." He spat, taking Frank's side.

"The rules also state that in the case of an election, if the other candidate who automatically assumes office is mysteriously disposed of, then all power reverts to the counter part until a new member can be elected by the current praetor." Lydia mused.

Gasps of horror and fear shook the audience. A painful second passed before either Frank or Reyna saw what had struck such terror in the crowd.

The boy who'd been taking Frank's side in the matter was trapped in a choke hold by Alistair the male companion of Lydia's. Reyna had no idea how he'd managed to get to the stage but it didn't matter. Another figure made their way up grinning like a mad man and twirling a blade in their hand.

In a matter of seconds it was thrust into the gut of the trapped victim. Frank made a lunge to help, but Lydia raised her hand and a glowing red pulse of magic radiated from her palm. Frank didn't stand a chance being completely open. Dagger like jets of red blasted him backwards into a heap.

The second girl with the blade, Marie, thrust it a second, then a third, then a fourth, until blood seeped through the boards of the stage. The crowd had been turned into a frantic frenzy.

"It appears there's been an accident." Lydia said raising her hands almost as if she were to take a bow. "And as the new and official praetor I'd like to announce who will be taking that poor boy's place. Alistair Crane son of Algea."

The dark eyed and sharp featured boy dropped his corpse into the pool of the boy's own blood. Meanwhile, Marie bounced on the balls of her feet and sprang over to Lydia, slinging an arm about the girl's shoulders. And those who had supported Lydia had two reactions, complete fear at the realization of how monstrous this child was, and those that became more frenzied by the sight of blood.

They kicked and clawed at the barriers until they broke and the hunt was on. They dove at their enemies, the people Frank and Reyna had sworn to protect. The Centuries made a move to intervene.

"Stand down. Do not intervene that is an order." Lydia declared, watching the madness with a grotesque smirk and the light of humor in her eyes.

People darted for the stage and Reyna watched in further horror as they dragged the corpse of the innocent boy off.

"We need to go." The praetor turned to see Thalia running towards her.

"No. We can't leave them." Reyna argued. Yells of pain mixed with screams in the background.

"There's no time." Thalia insisted as Jason made his way over followed by Nico. The unconscious frame of Frank now rested on Jason's shoulders.

"We need to go. There's people coming and if you stay they'll tear you apart. Once that happens, there won't be any hope for Rome!" Jason said, running at a slow pace.

"For the love of Hera! Come on!" Thalia yelled, tugging at Reyna's arm. With one last longing look at it all she turned and grudgingly followed the hunter.

"Hylla's already trying to get people to safety," Nico panted.

"Safety?! There's no place safe." Reyna cried. "Where are they going to go?"

"That's not for you to worry about." Thalia said tugging both of them down a side street where Hazel was waiting.

"He's alive." Jason said seeing the horrified expression on Hazel's face.

"Nico, Hazel, take them as far as you can go." Thalia said glancing over her shoulder a panicked look in her eyes.

"I'm not going anywhere. I'm staying." Reyna insisted though it was futile. She wasn't about to abandon her people.

"If you and Frank don't leave now they'll slaughter you just like that poor kid." Thalia said, shaking the Roman by the shoulders.

Nico grabbed Reyna's arm and tugged her towards Frank and Hazel. When the four friends interlocked hands, they melted into the darkness of the walls. Jason watched them disappear with worry. "Sister, love of my life, best friend in the world, I hope you have a plan."
"You should know by now that I absolutely do not!" Thalia snorted, drawing her bow and scanning the street ahead.
"Great." Jason sighed.
— — —
Task One:
Your candidate has just witnessed the massacre. The crowds of people have fled. The sights you see are horrifying. It's almost like everyone's lost their minds. All the while you're aware that the praetors have gone. There are Amazon's and Hunters being torn apart. The world as you know it is upside down and inside out. There's only one safe place to go. The sewers. Write the reaction of your candidate to this mess, how they end up in the sewers, and let your imagination run wild. It's the Grand Finale of the Elections, after all.
Word Limit: None
Due Date: 7/17/2019 at 12:00 pm.
Submissions: Anytime you want to send it is fine. Just send it to
Remember: No one is eliminated this first round. Give it your all!!! And message me any questions you have.

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