30, Flirty and Dying?

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Chapter Three




an intense but short-lived passion or admiration for someone or something.
a feeling of foolish or obsessively strong love for, admiration for, or interest in someone or something
●strong and unreasoning attachment

●a feeling of foolish or obsessively strong love for, admiration for, or interest in someone or something ●strong and unreasoning attachment

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She walked in the room, looking a little hesitant to come in. I just sat there feeling numb and expose.

"Can we talk?"She asked, coming into the room completely.

Shrugged, then sighing. "I guess,"I replied, giving her my full attention.

She sat next to me, looking like she's trying to figure out what to say.

I sighed, "I guess we can start on how I'm in love with you-"I voiced, holding my breath looking at her face for a reaction.

She nodded, "Yeah that's a start," She said with shaky voice.

I look down, feeling awkward. Truth be told, I'm really confident and usually never miss a beat, but right now I feel the most insecure. Here I am, getting put on the spot about my feelings for my best friend.

She cleared her throat, "Since when have you been feeling like this?"She asked, staring at me

I sighed, looking up at the ceiling. "I'm not going to drop no numbers, but it's been a while."I replied.

"But why didn't you tell me?" She countered.

I made a face, "Trinity, it wasn't that easy, you're dating homeboy on and off, Harper is dying! There was never a right moment to tell you."I said, shaking my head. Man I need a blunt.

She kissed her teeth, "You could have still told me!"she shouted.

I jump up from the bed, feeling pissed. "And what was me telling you going to change huh!!... Your ass still would have been with Winston just like are now,"I yelled back at her.

She sighed, "You don't know that- you can't predict my moves when I don't even know them myself. All of this could have been resolve."She voiced, getting up to my face.

I squinted, "You can't resolve feelings Trinity!"I screamed, pushing her.

She caught herself from falling, then mugged me and pushed me back. "You don't think I know that Vivian! Because I do,"

I fell onto the chair, I sat there upset. Falling in love with my bestfriend is possibly the most stressful thing I've been through.

I put my hands on my face, feeling vulnerable. This was too much.

I felt the emotions from this secret I've been holding in threaten to spill out my eyes. I cried in relief. Happy that I could now live in my truth, yet in pain because I can't have the woman I love.

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