30, Flirty and Dying?

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Chapter Nine




the action or fact of joining or being joined, especially in a political context.
●the act of uniting two or more things.

●the act of uniting two or more things

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1 week later

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1 week later

It's been a week and some change as we prepare and getting everything together for my wedding.

  I smiled, even thinking about it. I'm marrying Raymen tomorrow.

  A lot had to happened in such a short amount of time to get everything together so quickly.

  First, I had to obviously fill the girls in and tell them about the propsal. Of course, them being them--they reacted in screams, yelling, shoot Trinity even hit a little dance. I would like to think these heifters are more happier then I am, but that's debatable.

  Secondly, before I left New York I wanted to get a dress. And seeing that my request was so rushed, it was a little difficult for the dress to be made, but all due in time I eventually found a designer who made my dress in 34 hours. It is gorgeous and I'm so glad she was able to make last minute.

  I also invited additional people on this trip to Vegas. Tara, her new man's, and Elijah. Surprisingly Raymen didn't trip about his invite, which I'm glad about cause I don't have time to be a referee. But, I only invited him since I want to play match maker for him and Trin. I think they complement each other well and seems like they're both the mental battle of getting older.

 Aside from all the happiness I have been getting some side eyes and a lot of am I pregnant questions because the wedding is happening so quickly. Since I didn't really care to clear the air about the real truth, I decided to let people think whatever they want too. I can't control everyone's mind.

  It's still so surreal to me that Raymen proposed. I'm still shock, but I'm happy that we're doing this. We all know that time isn't on our side in this, so I think he did what his heart told him to do.

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