30, Flirty and Dying?

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Chapter Four



●the action of betraying one's country, a group, or a person; treachery.
●is the breaking or violation of a presumptive contract, trust, or confidence that produces moral and psychological conflict within a relationship amongst individuals, between organizations or between individuals and organizations.

●is the breaking or violation of a presumptive contract, trust, or confidence that produces moral and psychological conflict within a relationship amongst individuals, between organizations or between individuals and organizations

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It's been approximately 3 weeks later, nothing much has changed only the locations we go to. Currently we're in Morocco our fifth destination on this girls trip. The other two were Durban and Knysna which are places in South Africa. To say I'm bitter about Winston being here is an understatement.

I thought the beautiful night Trinity and I shared meant something to her, but apparently I wasn't enough.

I cried the whole day once we landed in Cape Town, after that I told myself to forget about her. That loving her romantically would never be reciprocated back to me. Although it's still hard seeing her all smiley and happy in his face, I know it's just best to leave her be- for the sake of my feelings.

Don't get me wrong I'm really upset with Trinity for making me feel like discarded trash, that meant nothing to her. It's crazy how much power her words and actions have over me. I guess that's my fault for being stupidly in love with someone taken.

I just don't want to be hurt anymore.

Something I tell myself constantly is stop being these women pillow pet. All my past relationships failed for that reason alone. I was never enough for them- yet still I stayed because I was in love and obviously dumb.

Now here I am, in my adult life still facing these same issues. I just never thought it would be someone I call my friend.

I haven't told Harper anything yet, since I don't want to play the blame game and pin all the fault on Trin and also she's been pre-occupied with Raymen.

Plus, I wouldn't know how she would feel about Trin and I having sex. She could feel disgusted, betrayed even hurt. That's why I keep my personal issues to myself, the judgement of others is too unbearable.

Which brings me to a place in my past; when I was a young child in Idaho. My parents were super religious, my father Reverend Turner ran a church just a mile from our home. You can imagine how it was like, a 13 year old girl trying to discover herself in a strict Christian household. My parents sensed every change I made in my life, if it was good they rewarded me with bible verses. Now if it was bad they made me kneel in rice.

Let's just say that's one reason I don't where dresses above my knees.

I was told how to walk, when to talk- when to eat, sit, drink, sleep; everything. I didn't have my own identity until I met her.

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