30, Flirty and Dying?

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Chapter Six




●the emotions or conduct of friends; the state of being friends.
Friendship is a relationship of mutual affection between people.
●Friendship is a stronger form of interpersonal bond than an association.

 ●Friendship is a stronger form of interpersonal bond than an association

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2 weeks later

I sighed, hearing the bell ring indicting the class was over and my free period starts now.

I'm usually happy when it comes to teaching my students, since they are the sweetest kids ever. But, after coming home from traveling and all the drama that has transpired between Vivian, Harper and I--even these children sweet smiles can't fix my mood.

I teach special educated kids math. My job usually tends to make my frown turn upside down, but from this situation it was impossible.

Ever since I came back the words Harper said to me--has been stuck in my head.

I'ma do something the devil never do for you baby-- leave you alone

Like what did she even mean by that statement. I would ask her, but she is currently ignoring me for obvious reasons--granted I still reach out everyday. I don't care what we're going through, my friend is dying and I want her to know that I'm here for her regardless of the bullshit.

I just fucked up big time out in Mocorro and I let my true intentions out of the bag, I just knew I should've kept it to myself.

Yes, my having sex with Vivian was intentional, but I wasn't suppose to express my real objective, which was to have her for when I want her. As fucked up as it sounds, I don't have any desire to actually be in a relationship with her.

I guess I'm "wrong" for using her feelings in my advantage, but in my eyes it's something we both want-- so why not do it.

I also haven't talk to Viv either, which is from both my end and hers. After the whole ordeal of her saying I need help, I haven't been in the mood to talk to her.

Me personally, I just don't feel like I owe her anything for her to be that mad at me. Now from her, I think I deserve an apology-- since she said a lot foul shit that wasn't needed.

She also hasn't been to work, which I find ridiculous since she's my entertainment in and out the sheets.

I leaned back in my chair, looking around the empty class room just thinking.

I also haven't spoken to Winston, I personally don't have shit to say to that man unless it's me saying yes to an engagement ring. Call me supid or what have you, but I know my man and yes he has a family on me, but he always comes back and that's all that matters.

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