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Bea left me.

It was an accident that the stupid rabbit had somehow gotten into the oven right when I closed it. I remember the night so well. It was a 'date' night like usual and Bea had come over for some dinner. She had given me the idea to cook a casserole and I, of course, agreed. I would agree to anything she had said, she was the light in my life.

Or so I thought.

But right when I had finished preparing it along with her help, those damned rabbits came in. She said that they were cold and needed some love. So of course they had to be the fifth wheels to our date. Even though we had come to an understanding, it was hard not to hate those furry beasts when they wake you with rabbit traps and electrocuting the bloody hell out of you. It was time to put the casserole in and Bea had called me over to look at what one of the demons were doing. I turned my head and in that split second, one of them managed to leap into the oven.

Why one of them did that, I can only fathom.

Those damn rascals probably had no idea what they were doing. After closing the oven I went over to the couch in my living room and opened a bottle of wine when I heard her question me on where the rabbit with the jean jacket was. I said I had no idea and went to fill her wine glass. She insisted on looking for it and so we did. It was only ten minutes and the rabbit was still alive when we found it in the oven, but she was furious.

Beyond annoyed, upset, frustrated, it was a side I had only seen once and hope to never see again. She claimed that I had been deceiving her, that my truce with the furry creature was just a way to keep her. Which was entirely true but I could not say that to her face. She continued on ranting for at least an hour before I could try to explain but she shushed me and told me she was leaving in the morning. I thought that this would blow over; it wasn't like I had purposely put the rabbit in the oven. They are only good when skinned and garnished properly.

Sadly she was true to her word. Not even a goodbye. No forwarding address so I could contact her. I really did mess this up. The rabbits were in my house for most of the time. I didn't bother trying to kick them out. They sulked around the living room and stairs. That suicidal one stopped trying to kill herself by jumping off of the stairs, which I am not complaining about since a smashed rabbit is hard to clean off of floors.

I was sitting on the couch when one of those monsters kept pulling on my pants leg. "It is late at night and all I want to do is rest so please... go somewhere else." But the rabbit with the tan jacket did not cease its actions but also got the other ones to do the same thing. One was pulling my hair, the other pulled my ear lobe, the pudgy one still on my leg, and the other two were sitting by the windowsill.

"You guys really are insufferable huh" Getting up from my spot I noticed a young girl with a crutch coming out of a taxi. How many months ago was I that person, coming out here to claim my fat uncle's home. She took her suitcase into the room and turned on all the lights to just simply turn them all off again shortly after.

Maybe it was Bea.

She had come back.

She could have purchased the place again because she could not bear being separated. It's my chance to redeem myself! I could fix everything! A second chance has come my way and I am not wasting a second of it. I will give her this night to be alone but tomorrow is when my mission starts. I want to make up for everything she thinks I have done. Maybe she will continue to paint and we could be normal once again.

The garden has gotten some new flowers since she was here. The bluebells she had planted a while back where blooming early this season and have gone into cold nights with the flowers frozen during the night. I have no idea how they survived. Tomorrow will be the day. A big bouquet of bluebells will surely get me at least a minute to explain my side of the story. That's right tomorrow.

A new day with new opportunities.


The morning light shone through my window, along with a cry of that insufferable rooster somewhere I cannot locate. The furry beasts must be on the couch still since I forgot to let them out. Getting this much rest was unusual; in the city there were always cars honking and people talking.

But since I was here... with Bea... BEA!

It's morning I can finally fix everything. I could feel a smile grow on my face as it became flushed with excitement. I jumped out of bed and gathered brown pants and a blue button up shirt. Now all is needed is a comb through my hair and some bluebells. Quickly as humanly possible, I grab the comb and brush it through my hair twice and then fling it back into the bathroom.

Sprinting down the stairs I am met with carrots everywhere but what did I care, Bea would be happy to see those creatures mess. I hop over the orange vegetables and bolt through the door to the garden, looking for the pliers I left somewhere around the tomato patch. Finding the equipment piece half buried with rabbit dung surrounding it, I speedily cut some blue bells, making sure the stems where properly cared for since Bea was always a stickler for how the flowers were cut.

Now everything is ready, time to apologize.

I slow down my pace from running to sprinting making sure I do not sweat too much, perspiration would be a total downer on the mood. Going through the gate that leads to an open patch Bea's house resided on, I fast walked.

The rabbits were also tailing me, must have left the door open on accident but it was not like anyone would steal anything out here. Her door was finally in reach and I quickly knocked.

There was a mumbling voice, which I could tell, had an American accent, but maybe Bea just had a cold. Yeah a cold, not a different person, just a coincidence her sick voice sounded like an American. The door opened and I, with bluebells in hand, flung myself onto the person.

My arms wrapped around her but the first thing I noticed was how small she felt. Maybe she is just hunched over. And her hair smelled of lavenders, well maybe she changed her shampoo, and her clothes were different too, they were not as bright as the usual clothes Bea wore, maybe she got into a new fad. "I am so, so very sorry. The rabbit just slipped into the oven and I had no idea. I would never cook one of your animals. You see, the funny thing is..." I pulled away hoping to see the face of my used to be beloved but I was looking at a mauled face with a crutch under her left arm.

This isn't Bea.

The uncovered wound on her face seemed horrific, scraped beyond relief and it would definitely leave a scar. Looking down I see her wearing lounging clothes along with her keeping her left leg up, not daring it to touch the floor. I quickly unwrap my arms from the stranger, glaring slightly at her.

"I am sorry but I think you have the wrong person" Her voice was angelic, soft as silk. Her brown wavy hair cut to her shoulders was damp, must have taken a shower prior to this. Her left side of her face was radiating beauty and her eyes of caramel gold drew me in.

I felt like I was drowning, I couldn't force my lungs to inhale and my jaw had unintentionally fell open. Heat rushed to my face when I realized I had been staring for too long.

"Ummmm... well... are those bluebells for me?" She questioned, tilting her head to the side. I felt like I was going to have a heart attach watching her eyes stare back into mine.

What should I say, yes and act like a creep because she probably has no idea who I was. Or it could be seen as a friendly neighbor thing. But if I say no everything will just be easier, right? Just calmly say no and get the hell out. Easy peasy.


Well... to hell with that plan.

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