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Wearing my best flannel shirt I headed out towards the woman's house. The cold, crisp air around me gently caressed my covered limbs as it swept my air to and fro. Warm light seemed through the night as I could see through the large patio she was in, already dressed and just waiting for me to knock on her door.

Stopping just a couple of feet away from her outdoor patio I took a breath and appreciated the view. Her short hair and natural highlights made me want to run my fingers through it even more... alright that sounded more creepy than I had intended it to.

Taking a large gulp of air, as if it was my last, I knocked on the glass panel door. She looked up from the book she was reading, surprise etched onto her features.

Her brilliant face crunched into a smile as she grabbed her crutches and made her way over to me. With a simple kick of the door she was standing before me with a small brown, leather wallet in hand.

"Hello there McGregor, now aren't you dashing." She cheekily smiled as I admired her dress choice. It was laid back and simple, adoring her shoulders was a white knit sweater that complimented her golden eyes.

"You don't look half that bad either, Hampsin." Holding out my elbow for her to take she merely gave me a 'are you stupid face'.

"I appreciate the gesture, don't get me wrong, but it will be hard to walk with your arm locked in mine as well as a crutch."

She closed the door, locking it behind her. "Still skeptical of those rabbits." Turning round she followed me as we walked to my miniature green truck. "Don't you agree?"

"More than ever."

Starting the vehicle up I took my time driving there, barely going the speed limit. I wanted this to last as long as possible. The wind blew over the heavenly lavender scent radiating off of the tiny girl beside me. I was truly blessed to have her. For her to except me, even though Bea kinda did, she was really the only person who seemed to accept me.

Charlotte even believed the rabbits were smarter than they assumed to be; Bea just kept claiming they were innocent creatures that had a 'heart of gold'.

Tricky little devils.

With a smile she gazed up at me, the moon ruminating the little stream we passed. It casted its' light all over her heavenly features, her scars were still present, scabbed over and cracked whenever she smiled, but I did not care; it was what was inside that mattered.

If she was able to smile at me even thought the pain must be unmeasurable, it showed me how much she cared. How much she wanted to act normal even when life was giving her the short end of the stick.

Arriving at the little celebration the villagers put on I parked the car in an open spot on the outskirts, cars lined the streets and I had to park probably the farthest from the festivities.

"Sorry, it seems busier than usual," scratching the back of my head I gave her an apologetic look.

"Its fine, I enjoy spending time with you."

I felt heat raising up and the tips of my ears burned as if I was in the sun. She actually enjoyed my presence. It made butterflies flutter around as if I was on cloud nine.

"Lets first try these amazing pies-"

"Forgetting my cooking skills are we, are you saying I suck, you could have just said so," she held a hand to her chest faking insult.

"No of course not, there is this old lady that sets up a booth near the entrance. She makes the best apple tarts I had ever had," Walking through he pitch dark towards the town full of lights and lanterns I explained the best food booths that had England delicacies that were to die for.

Second Chances || Thomas McGregorWhere stories live. Discover now