Chapter 7 What's going to happen

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Aunt Alice was standing there looking at me strangely, almost like I've grown two heads, lost an arm and gained another foot. I know that sounds…weird but that's how she was looking at me.

"Good afternoon Aunt Alice," I said groggily

"Good afternoon to you to sunshine. You don't look that great, and look at those pyjamas, they still fit! You would usually outgrow them by now. It's been like, a week and you still fit in them! Is there something wrong?" she asked me with concern.

"I don't know, I have to ask my Mom-"

"If she was ever like this when she was human so it might be normal?" Aunt Alice cut me off. She knew she right so I nodded my head. "Let me save you the energy because you look like you need it. She got like this when she was sick. She was never sick around us, until she was pregnant with you but we expected that she would have been sick.

I nodded and got out of bed and went to the washroom.

When I got back to my room, I saw that Aunt Alice had makeup, a hair straightener and a bunch of preppy girly clothes. To say that I'm like my Mom is saying a little. I hate being dressed up, I hate makeup and I hate preppy clothes. Dad says I'm a lot like her.

I backed away from Aunt Alice and tried to make a run for it. Unfortunately she saw it and beat me to the door, so I was stuck because Dad probably bolted the window shut because of last night with Jake. I went to the chair that she had for me to sit down in and she started with my hair.

About an hour after she started, she began to laugh and she had to stop doing my makeup because of how hard she was laughing. I'm sure if she was able to produce tears, she would be crying because of how hard she was laughing. I just looked at her confused and she stopped a few minutes after.

"What the hell was that about?" I asked her.

"I just saw your Dad's face when he sees you. You're going to want to bring a sweater, sweatpants and I hat so he doesn't see you when you're outside."

"Why? What do I look like?!" I went to go look in the mirror but Aunt Alice took the mirror down. I hate the fact that she can see the future.

"You look good. I can't think about it or he's going to see and you won't be able to see his face. Trust me it's funny."

About another hour later I was finished. I put on the clothes that she picked out. More like what she made me put on. I was wearing a mini skirt with hot pink leggings and a hot pink tank top that was skin tight and barely covered my stomach. She then got me a new pair of guess what colour it is, pink and white sneakers. It looks like I'm wearing almost all pink today.

"Ok Nessie, put on the clothes that you're going to wear on top and then let's go!"

"Aunt Alice, do I hav-" then Aunt Alice cut me off.

"Nessie, put them on please,"

I put on the clothes that I'm going to wear on top of the other clothes and slowly walked out of the cottage. Aunt Alice had to push me out of the house to make me go faster. Then we started to head over to Grandma and Grandpa.

When we started running, I noticed that I'm slowing down. I usually run fast but now I'm far behind Aunt Alice. Aunt Alice noticed because she came back and gave me a piggyback ride the rest of the way there. Because she needs very little concentration when she's running, I put my hand to her face and reminded her that I might be getting 'sick' or a 'cold' like humans. She told me that I might be having an off day, and that I'll be better soon.

When we got to my Grandparents place I hopped off her back and went to see everyone. They were all outside and talking to each other when I came. I went over and hugged Grandma. She was hugging me way to tight and it stopped my breathing. She usually hugs me softer. I guess today is an off day because I could feel my face turning a different colour. Daddy! I can't talk or breathe! I told him in my head.

Dad finally spoke up and said, "Esme, as much and you love Nessie, I don't think that she can breathe."

With that being said, Grandma let go and said, "I'm so sorry sweetie, but I didn't hug you any harder than I do normally."

"It's Ok Grandma," I gave her a quick hug and went to Grandpa. He hugged me softly. Then I went over to Uncle Emmett, Aunt Rosalie and Uncle Jasper. When I was done, Uncle Emmett walked over to me laughing.

"Hey there Nessie, why are you wearing a hat? I don't think I've ever seen you wear a hat before, not even when we go to play ball," after he finished, he ripped the hat right off my head. I tried to cover my face with my hair as much as possible so no one sees my face. Uncle Emmett ran around the front yard looking like an idiot and still holding my hat. I don't think he noticed that I wasn't chasing him to get my hat back because he was still running and shouting, "Come catch me Nessie! Come get your hat!" at the same time. I was embarrassed. Good old Uncle Emmett.

Everyone was just watching and laughing at him running around and shouting, except Aunt Rose, she just looked down at her lap, looking plain embarrassed of Uncle Emmett. While every one was staring at him like he was a moron, Aunt Alice came over to me and gave me another hat.

She looked to see that everyone was still looking and laughing at Uncle Emmett and said, "Everyone's future disappeared after I told you why I was laughing, did I tell you that?"

I looked at her with wide eyes. That only meant one thing, Jacob was coming. There was no way in hell now that I was going take off the 'cover up' clothes now.

She must have seen me refusing to show everyone my new clothes because right after she said, "It didn't disappear right after I saw your father's face, so you don't have to worry. We're all family here."

We went inside, and Aunt Alice told me, 'to get changed,' and come back outside. Then I heard her mutter something about me being too much like my Mom.

"Aunt Alice, I really don't want to do this. I don't want to get my Dad mad."

"Your no fun, you know that right?" she asked me.

"I just don't want to get my Mom and Dad mad at me."

"Come on Nessie, your Dad's face was priceless."


"Don't make me do it, because I will."

"No. I refuse to do it."

"Fine then," with that, she grabbed me and ripped off the clothes that I was wearing on top of the other clothes.

When Aunt Alice dragged me outside, I see Grandma, Grandpa, Aunt Rose, Uncle Jasper, and Uncle Emmett, who's now stopped running because he was bored… I think and my Mom. They all turned around at the same time and there eyes grew. I saw the back of my Dad's head and someone talking to him. It looked like Jake…wait it was Jake! Jake stopped in mid sentence and looked away from Dad and at me with the same expression as everyone else. My Dad finally turned around and looked at me, and Uncle Emmett started to laugh at the look on my Dad's face.

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