the boy they'd hoped you'd avoid

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it was one night, just one night where his hands were on your hips, guiding you. one night where his lips were on yours and his fingers were in your hair and where he whispered how fucking beautiful you were in your ear.

the first time you saw him, he was halfway under your best friends run down car, fixing the exhaust pipe that had fallen off. she called you in a huff, begging you to bring her a coffee because her car was under construction and her boyfriend wasn't going to leave when his best friend was the one doing all the work so you did and you saw his black joggers and white shoes first and when he slid out, grease marks on his face and his hair in a pile on his head, you were smitten.

you've heard about him - shawn. you heard all the stories about all the girls that he's hooked up with after two drinks at the bar and how he would pick girls up and throw them away a week later when he was done playing with them but your best friend gushed about how cute he was and god was he cute.

he didn't give you his phone number that night but he hugged you goodbye - he smelled like grease and worn down cologne - and told you how much fun he had with you and that was enough for you to also gush about him for the next two weeks until you saw him again.

no, no, no, no was all you heard for those next to weeks. "he will just play with your heart," she would tell you. her boyfriend nodded in confirmation and they knew him better than you did but did you even care? just one fuck was all you wanted.

you were promised that he would be at the party your friend was throwing over the weekend and shawn delivered on that promise. he was wearing the same jean jacket that he had worn the first night and he caught your eye the moment he walked through the door.

you were nervous and you were shy, hiding away the entire night and keeping to yourself while he studied you from across the room in between glances to the person who he was actually talking to. as the party dwindled and only a few people remained, he got closer and closer to you.

he would pass you a drink and your fingers would brush together and he would catch you starring and before you could look away, he was smirking and not in a caught you kind of way, more in a i see you and i like you kind of way.

he was in the bathroom when you announced you were leaving, hoping that maybe you could sneak out without him noticing because let's face it - no matter how attractive he was and how much his honey eyes made you squirm, rumor was he was a player and that was the last thing you needed.

"let me help you with this," someone said from behind you as you collected your things, including a giant crockpot that you had brought over. you were clearly struggling, your purse falling off your shoulder as you tried to hold your keys in your hand and the crockpot in both arms. your water bottle was hanging from one finger and you could feel the finger going numb from lack of blood circulation but you refused.

"i can get it," you smiled politely at shawn, who caught you by surprise when you turned around but he grabbed the crockpot from your arms. "i really can carry it," you insisted.

"clearly," he joked, smirking at you as he nodded towards the front door. you nodded with a thin smile on your face as you led the way out of the front door and across the street to your car. unlocking it, you opened the front seat of the car. "well where am i going to sit then?" he asked, looking at the seat in confusion and then up to you.


"i thought we were going to sit in the car and talk for a while," shawn said, assuming something that was never implied, ever, but you took his lead and moved around to open the backseat door.

"put it back there then," you told him. shawn smiled and did as you said before sliding into the passager side seat of your car. with the door shut, you hesitated to even get in the drivers seat because honestly, what the fuck was happening?

you got in the car anyway. "what are you doing?" you asked.

"i wanted to talk to you," he looked at you, cocking his head to the side as if that was the most obvious answer ever. as if this was normal.

"about what?"

"well," shawn started. you were painfully aware of how close his hand was getting to your thigh and when his fingers touched, you weren't surprised but it made your leg tingle anyway. "i wanted to get to know you better. i mean, i know you noticed the looks we were exchanging," he whispered.

"so what? i've heard about you, ya know?" you asked, leaning back against the door as far away as possible but his fingers were still circling the same few inches on your thigh and you liked it. but you didn't want him to know that.

"i've heard about you, too," shawn licked his lower lip and looked out the window shield, still touching you.

your mind went wild with everything he could have possibly heard about you because you knew the things you heard about him were all bad. the list was small, but bad.

"i'm sure you have."

"and what exactly did you heard about me? that's making you so stand off-ish. i thought we had fun the other week?" shawn asked, genuine curiosity in his face and voice but you knew about boys like him and you played hard to get.

"i heard about stacy," the girl he fucked in the bathroom of the bar she worked at) "and i heard about lauren," (another girl from a bar but this time she was a college student that was home for the weekend and thought shawn's flushes cheeks were just too cute and you agreed) "and oh, there's also maggie-" shawn cut you off by putting his finger up in the air and chuckling.

"you weren't joking, huh?" he asked, shaking his head but he was laughing and not at all fazed by the things you had said. "i'm not gonna pretend i'm a perfect guy but at least i'm an open book," he offered. you had dated enough liars and cheaters to at least appreciate that.

"so what have you heard about me? i'm sure there are some things," you asked, curious now. he was charming and he was handsome and he was winning you over slowly and despite whatever protests were going on in your head and you figured he knew that.

"Zach tells me that you're one of the nicest persons he's ever met and that he thinks it would be sick if we got together. ya know, two sets of best friends taking on the universe?" he chuckled. "well, the timing was never right to get us together but now here we are and forgive me for not wanting you to drive away without getting to know you." his speech was nice and not what you were expecting so you let his finger trace another inch around your outer thigh.

"well what do you wanna know?"

"for starters, your phone number." so you gave it to him and he texted you for a few days and after those few days were up, you saw him again. you saw him three more times before you let him fuck you, no matter how hard that was you were determined to make him wait at least a little while.

and boy, was the wait worth it.

it was only one time. one fuck and that was it. he was charming and he was handsome and he had won you over but one fuck was all you wanted and when you got it, you were done and no matter how many times people warned you about him. how many people told you he was a player and be careful because he will play with you and dump you so watch out. no matter how many times you heard the same thing, no one beats a player at their own game better than an expert.

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