A Time to Fight

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Naruto stifled a yawn as he woke up after another exhausting night. His body ached in places that no amount of healing jutsu could fix, probably because they were not actually wounds but the result of a nights hard training. Cuts could be healed, bones mended, muscles restored, but the ache brought about by hard work and good old fashion exercise could only be healed with time.

It didn't help that Naruto pushed himself quite hard last night after watching that battle between the rest of Rias' peerage and Vizor. He was in good shape, but he wanted to be stronger, strong enough that he could be of help to Rias and his new friends. That meant working back up to where he had been before getting sent to this strange world, no matter how painful such a task was.

As his mind began the slow process of waking up he absently let his hands rub the curvaceous body of the beautiful red head in his arms. His thoughts soon turned to his training; what he was good at, what he was bad at, what he would need to improve on.

Surprisingly enough, he discovered that his chakra control was exceptional, which was a nice change from his previously horrendous control. It wasn't perfect, but he wasn't going to become a medical ninja or Genjutsu specialist so perfect chakra wasn't necessary.

Though he was hoping to replicate baa-chan's super strength, which he remembered Sakura saying needed very precise chakra control. It would be hard, especially since Naruto did not have a clue as to how good his control needed to be.

His Ninjutsu was terrible. While his control over his chakra had become a thousand times better than before, it was only due to the fact that the amount of chakra he could now use was so much smaller than what he used to that he had naturally better control. This meant that many of his more chakra intensive jutsu were out of his reach.

Considering almost all of his jutsu were chakra intensive and required the reserves of an above average jounin to even use, that left him with a very big problem.

Thankfully, all was not lost. Naruto still had some of his more basic jutsu, including the ones Jiraiya had taught him when they were training. He only had a few that were B-rank and below, but they should be enough for now. At least until he could begin making his own jutsu. It shouldn't be too hard for someone as awesome as him. If Sasuke had been able to make his own jutsu, then so could Naruto.

Next he would need...would... need...need...




As his mind became fully awake and cognizant, the blond-haired, whisker-faced former Konoha ninja finally realized where he was, what he was doing, and that there was a very familiar person laying in his bed...again.

How many times does this make now? Six? Seven? He was beginning to lose count.

Groaning, Naruto thought about what he should do. He could slip out of the room, go take a shower, cook some breakfast, and get ready for school―not something that brought about pleasant thoughts for the young man― or he could just stay where he was and relax, which was infinitely more preferable. After all, what hot-blooded male wouldn't want to lay in bed with a drop-dead-gorgeous and completely naked female in their arms.

It seems Issei isn't the only pervert around here.

However, as nice as laying in bed with this beautiful, naked girl in his arms sounded, there were things he wanted to know: like finding out just why she was in his bed again.

"Rias," Naruto said. The girl didn't stir. Frowning, he shook her a bit and spoke more loudly. "Rias. Rias. Wake up."

"Mmm..." Rias moaned slightly as she drifted back into the world of conscious thought. Sitting up, once again heedless of her nudity, Rias yawned widely as she raised a single hand to rub the sleep out of her eyes.

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