Chapter 65

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"There's a group of Fallen Angels pinned down by that building over there. Kiba and Xenovia, I want you to be our spear point. Send our enemies scattering to the winds. Koneko and Irina, you'll come in next and take down our enemies before they know what hit them. Rossweisse and Akeno, shoot down any that attempt to retreat."

"Yes, Buchou!"

"Don't worry, Lady Rias. I got this."

"We'll send those monsters packing!"

"Ufufufu, this'll be fun."

Several responses came to her through her communicator. Rias floated over the battlefield with Asia, Gasper, and Ravel by her side. Naruto's bishop was proving to be incredibly useful, providing her with a wealth of knowledge from across the battlefield. Thanks to Ravel, Rias was able to find out which parts of the enemy's formation was weak, which battle lines could be attacked and which were too heavily defended, and she could provide backup to those who were struggling.

The area she was looking at right now was swarming with Fake Scale Mails, so many Rias couldn't even begin to count them. A group of heavily injured Fallen Angels were surrounded on all sides by the Fake Scale Mails. It was honestly a miracle they were still alive. About four of them were unconscious and the remaining eight were on their last leg, battered, bruised, and covered in blood.

Just then, two streaks of light smashed into the enemy formation. They were Kiba and Xenovia.

The one who presented the opening attack was Xenovia, who swung Ex Durandal with all the strength in her arms. A powerful wave of white energy erupted from the weapon, slicing clean through nearly a dozen Fake Scale Mails and even splitting several buildings in half. Rias shook her head. The girl was lucky her aim was so good. She could have killed the people they were trying to rescue if her aim was even a millimeter off.

Immediately after Xenovia's attack softened them up, Kiba raced in through the gap and began decimating the enemy ranks with precise strokes of his blade. Some of the enemies tried to use Dragon Shot against him. They shouldn't have bothered. In fact, using such an attack on a Knight like Kiba was probably the dumbest thing they could have done. Kiba vanished with the speed only a Knight could possess, and the Dragon Shots went through the spot he stood and slammed into their fellow Fake Scale Mails. Nearly a dozen armored enemies died from friendly fire. Then Kiba appeared again, swinging his holy-demonic sword with enough force to remove the heads from his enemies shoulders.

"Koneko and Irina, it's your turn."

"Just leave this to meow, Buchou. I'll send these douches packing."

"I'll help out where I can."

Koneko had been standing on a building and waiting for her chance to attack. Once Rias gave the order, she leapt down from the building and descended toward the Fake Scale Mail army. She had already released her Nekomata Mode Two. Her split tail and cat ears were visible and her body was covered in Touki. As she landed on the ground, Koneko slammed her fist into it, unleashing a powerful earthquake that knocked every enemy within fifteen meters off their feet.

Not one to miss an opportunity, Koneko attacked all of the downed opponents, destroying them with strength enhanced by Touki. A heel drop smashed open the chest of one of the Scale Mails. She dropped onto all fours as another two came her way, raised herself onto her hands, and did the splits. Both legs shot out and struck the Fake Scale Mails so hard they were lifted off their feet and thrown back. Spinning around, Koneko didn't stop with just those two. She was like a helicopter as she began kicking away any Scale Mail that tried to come near her. With her Touki infused strength, she was more than capable of breaking the armored beings apart like a baker cracking eggs.

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