Holy Sword Users

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The situation couldn't have been more tense if a cadre of fallen angels walked through the doors right now and declared war on all of devil-kind. Nothing seemed out of place in the Occult Research Club Room. Everything looked just as it always did. The only difference between now and every other time Rias Gremory and her peerage spent time in this room was the two guests sitting on the couch.

Both of them looked like ordinary teenage girlsㅡprovided you discount the fact that they wore long tan cloaks and were carrying some kind of holy sword on them. Rias could feel the unusual amount of holy power radiating from the large object resting against the couch next to the girl on the left. It was wrapped in cloth, so she couldn't see anything, but judging from the shape, size and power radiating from it, it couldn't be mistaken for anything other than a holy sword.

The one on the right had light brown hair in twin tails tied on either side of her head. Each tail was long, traveling all the way down to her backside. Her eyes were a bright violet and, for reasons that Rias couldn't understand, the girl had an abnormally cheerful disposition. She just sat there, smiling brightly, seemingly unbothered by the fact that she was surrounded by a peerage of devils.

The other girl had messy, chin-length blue hair, yellow eyes and fair skin. While the twin-tailed girl's features were clearly of Japanese origin, this girl had the appearance of a European. One thing Rias noticed that seemed odd was the green fringe of hair on the right side of the girl's face. Unlike her companion, this girl was wearing her game face. Her eyes were completely blank, almost empty of all emotions save one: complete and utter confidence in herself and her purpose.

Both girls sat across from Rias, her peerage and Ravelㅡwho Rias let join themㅡall of whom were looking at the pair before them with distrust in their eyes. It probably wouldn't have been so bad, this tense situation, if it wasn't for the killing intent pouring off Kiba. Rias was actually worried about him, as the normally cordial blond man looked ready to leap from behind the couch and attack the two girls. She could only hope he would keep his anger in check.

"So you are the two members of the Vatican church who requested to see me," Rias crossed her arms under her chest, presenting the image of a confident young woman. "I'm honestly quite surprised. I've never had a member of the church try contacting me before."

"Circumstances dictated that we have this meeting," the blue-haired one said. "Believe me when I say that we would never want to sully ourselves by being in the presence of devils if we could help it, but the situation we find ourselves in is strange."

Rias ignored the insult. She knew what this girl was trying to do, baiting her into lashing out in order to gain the upper hand in their talks. It was a common tactic for when two forces of opposing ends underwent negotiations, however, Rias would not allow herself to be put into an unadvantagious situation. Nor would she allow herself to show weakness by letting someone from the church goad her into getting angry.

"So it seems. However, before this meeting can begin, I would like to know your names. You clearly know mine, which puts us at something of a disadvantage, not to mention it's only proper to give your names after seeking someone out."

"Ah, that's right!" The bubbly girl said, "We totally forgot to give our names. I'm Shidou Irina, and this is Xenovia."

Rias gazed at the cheerful girl, Irina. There was something odd about this girl. No one surrounded by a group of potential enemies should act so cheerful. Either this was just her base personality, or she simply did not feel threatened by the presence of numerous devils.

"So I see. Very well then, you two have requested this meeting, what is it that you wished to discuss with me?"

"Before we can tell you our... request, it would be prudent to inform you of the situation at hand, that way you will have a better understanding of what's going to happen," the one named Xenovia said. "As you are probably aware, there are six holy swords known as Excalibur in the church's possession. What you probably do not know is that three of these swords, one belonging to the Catholic Church, the Protestant Church, and the Eastern Orthodox Church were stolen recently."

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