Chapter 39

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Naruto yawned as he sat on the train with his friends. He didn't know how long they had been on the train for, as he'd fallen asleep not long after it began moving, but when he woke up, he was sitting beside Kiba, and Irina and Xenovia, who'd been sitting with them, were mysteriously absent. He wasn't worried, though. No one was going to attack the train they were on right now. That would be stupid.

"It sounds like something you would do," Kurama said.

"Can it. I'm not the sort of person who would attack a train."

"Unless you thought it would be fun."

Grumbling about overgrown furrballs, Naruto stood up in his chair, drawing the attention of Kiba, who had been staring contemplatively into space.

"Are you going somewhere?" asked the immaculate pretty boy.

"Toilet," Naruto replied with a grumble. Kiba snorted into his hand as Naruto scratched his belly. He noticed this and glared at the other blond, but the pretty boy just waved him off.

Grumbling some more—because what else was he going to do?—Naruto reached the toilet, only to groan when he realized it was occupied. He really needed to take a leak. He couldn't afford to sit around and wait for whoever was in there to finish their business.

"Ugh... this is just what I need," he mumbled before deciding to try the toilet further back.

While he was praying to the kamis to let the last toilet be unoccupied, Naruto walked toward the next door, but then he paused when he found Irina and Xenovia standing just a little ways off. Should he keep going? It looked like they were having an important conversation, and it would be rude to interrupt, but at the same time, his bladder wanted to explode! Also, he'd admit he was curious to know what they were talking about...

"I'm so sorry, Irina!" Xenovia bowed to her friend, literally bending at the waist. "I never meant to hurt you so badly! I never wanted to be used like that!"

"Relax. It's okay." Irina placed her hands on Xenovia's shoulders and pushed the girl back up so she wasn't bowing anymore. "I'm not upset. I was hurt, but never upset. If anything, I'm glad you're finally back. I've really missed you."

"Irina... thank you."

Naruto scratched the back of his head, feeling uncomfortable as he stood several meters away. This was definitely not a conversation he should be hearing.

"You don't have to thank me. This is just what friends do—oh. Naruto!" Irina waved at him when she saw Naruto standing there. "What are you doing over there?"

"Oh, nothing. I was just looking for an unoccupied bathroom." Naruto scratched the back of his head as he walked up to them. "The one up front is occupied."

"You aren't going to find much luck here," Xenovia said. "The one back there is occupied too."

"You're kidding me!" Naruto groaned even as he resisted the urge to hold his balls. He could feel his bladder going ballistic.

Irina giggled, but then her expression became both serious and slightly embarrassed. Her cheeks turned an adorable red as she began fidgeting. Naruto and Xenovia both noticed this. However, where Naruto was merely curious to know what was embarrassing her, Xenovia looked worried.

"What's wrong, Irina? Are you feeling well?! Why is your face so red?!"

"I'm fine. I just... ahem!" Coughing into her hand, Irina continued facing Naruto as she clasped her hands together and bowed. "I wanted to thank you for helping me rescue Xenovia. I was only able to do it because of your advice, so thank you."

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