Chapter 59

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Naruto ignored the heat washing over him as several explosions rang throughout the training room. All of his attention was focused on what he was doing. Sweat poured from his pores, stung his eyes, and dripped off his hair as he stood balanced on his hands, slowly lowered himself until his nose was touching the ground, then pushed himself back up.




All of Naruto's muscles were shaking as he did handstand pushups, which he'd been doing since early this morning. Naruto had gotten up long before everyone else and come down here to train his body. War would be coming to the world, Yami would be leading them, and Naruto knew that if he wanted to help everyone else win, he needed to train and regain the power Yami had taken from him.

The days after helping the Vampires deal with their problems had been filled with training and sex—specifically orgies. Naruto had learned awhile back that the key to regaining his original power was to enjoy life, and nothing brought more joy to his life than sleeping with the women he loved. Even this morning, when he had woken up, Naruto had been surrounded by a group of naked women.

It had almost been a shame to get out of bed.


Several more explosions rocked the ground, causing the earth to tremble, and Naruto bent his elbows to keep his balance as he glanced at Kiba and Issei.

His two good friends were currently training together with Irina and Xenovia in what could only be called a free-for-all-brawl. The four of them were attacking each other with incredible fervor.

Swords sprouted from the ground as Kiba created his Holy-Demonic Swords. Most of them were destroyed by Xenovia as she swung Durandal like it was lighter than a feather. Her single swing created a wave of powerful energy that swept over everything and destroyed it, though this didn't seem to deter Kiba, who created a wall made of swords and blocked her attack.

The wall was destroyed moments later, not by Xenovia, but by Irina as she swooped down and sliced through them with her holy sword. It had already been damaged by Xenovia's awe-inspiring attack, so breaking it wasn't very hard. Irina flapped her angel wings before ascending back into the sky as Issei plowed into the ground where she had been seconds earlier. Decked from head to toe in his scale mail, Issei looked like a red dragon with a humanoid form.

"You just barely escaped that ass-kicking, Irina," Issei gloated as a pair of canons appeared on either shoulder, both of which began glowing a vibrant red as energy gathered in their muzzles. "But you won't be able to avoid this!"

"Ha! You think I can't avoid those tiny balls of yours?" Irina asked with a laugh. "Go ahead and try to shoot your wad at me. See what happens."

"I will!"

Issei didn't bother charging a full-blast, which would have been dangerous and was also easy to dodge. Two energy spheres about the size of a human head shot from his canons. They sailed toward Irina, who flitted away to dodge them, but the attacks followed the angel, much to her shock.

"What the heck?! When did you learn to fire heat-seeking missiles?!"

"These aren't heating-seeking missiles, fool! These are my new breast-seeking missiles!"

"Don't sound so proud about that!"

While Issei's words sounded utterly asinine, it was true that his attacks appeared to be seeking Irina's breasts and nothing else. They went straight for the tatas. Irina shrieked as she ducked, dodged, and dove away from them. She even did a few barrel rolls. Truly, Fox McCloud would have been proud.

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