Krell's Crush

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*idea cred to  @FlareShards thank you darling XD I hope you like it gay! (Because that's just what I do lol)*

"So, next Saturday then? At your place? Sounds good. Bye!"

Krell tapped his phone screen to end the call, a small smile on his face.

"Who was that?"

Krell whirled around to face Aja, who wiggled her eyebrows at her brother mischievously.

"Were you listening to me on the phone?"

Aja shrugged. "Only a little at the end. You sounded happy, almost like you were planning a... date?" To Aja's surprise, Krell's currently human face turned bright red. "Uh. Um. No! I was just talking to a friend from school, he's been hanging out a lot with me in class. We're going to... study! Yep."

Aja let the subject drop, but as she watched Krell beat a hasty retreat, her brain was already coming up with a plan...

The fated Saturday finally arrived, and Aja pretended to be preoccupied with a movie when Krell left. As soon as her brother closed the door, Aja leapt to her feet and grabbed her bag of super secret spy stuff (black clothes and a flashlight), sneaking after her brother down the street.

Steve met her halfway there, all decked out in his creep slayer 'uniform', complete with helmet and face paint. Aja giggled, thinking his dorky outfit was silly, yet somehow adorable as well. As soon as Aja had explained what was going on, Steve had jumped on the chance to help her, calling it a "Stake out date out" whatever that meant. The two kissed and then pulled apart to watch Krell walk up to a small blue house, fidgeting nervously before knocking on the door.

"Wait here, I'm going to go look in the window."Steve started to edge out of the bushes but Aja grabbed his hand to stop him. "Why can't I go look?"

Steve hesitated. "Er- if your brother and this other kid are uh, actually just studying, you don't want him to see you spying on him, right? If he sees me though I can just play it off as a prank. So wait here, okay?"

Steve came back surprisingly fast, grabbing Aja and pulling her away down the street.

"Steve, what are you doing?"

Steve's cheeks were pink, and he pulled her almost all the way back to her house before breaking down into huge peals of laughter. "What? Please tell me!"

With an effort, Steve straightened up and wiped the tears from his face. "Well, it looked like they were having fun. But they definitely weren't studying!"

*Krell was only making out with his amazing new boyfriend don't worry I don't write sex stuff for kids lol. Hope you enjoyed, be on the lookout for more pieces to come! Ideas are welcome and appreciated XD*

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