Chapter 7 - Problems

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Light streams thought the window as I didn’t close the curtain yesterday. The smell of pancakes wafts thought my bedroom door, someone’s in my apartment cooking pancakes, I jump out of bed and enter the kitchen; I found Scarlett in the kitchen in front of my oven. I smile to myself and sit down next to the breakfast bar. “Morning sleepyhead, how was your vacation?”

“It was…..” I could think of a word that could sum up the break. “…a break, a nice break.”

“Well I’ve made pancakes, I hope your hungry” my tummy decided to growl at that point. “Guess that’s a yes” she dishes out me some pancakes and slides me some butter, I’m not certain it was the smell of the butter but I suddenly felt nauseas, I ran to the bathroom and was just in time before I threw up the contents of my stomach. I felt Scarlett kneel next to me and started to rub my back, when I finished dry heaving I slumped down next to the toilet wiped my mouth and flushed the toilet, Scarlett gave me a glass of water and I felt very apologetic; she must think her cooking had made me sick. Slowly and quickly I apologised to Scarlett and made shore that it wasn’t her cooking but the butter. She gave me a weird look and I shrugged.

I ate breakfast and was fine as Scarlett put away the butter so I was fine. Up to lunch I was fine. Everyone came over and we had a small get together, Riley, Scarlett, Matt and me. It’s was nice but Matt kept throwing me looks that I couldn’t read. I pulled him into the kitchen to question him, “What’s your problem?”

“What’s my problem? Well your different, you haven’t had one drink and Scarlett said that you were sick earlier.” Argg Scarlett told him. I told him the truth ‘I was sick but it was nothing’ he obvious believed the truth and we then went back to the others.

When everyone eventually went home I was tired but didn’t want to go back to sleep so I went and switched my coffee maker on, got everything sorted poured the water in opened the fridge grabbed the milk started to add the milk when I felt ill again, ran to the bathroom and we ill again, I heard voices and they sounded like they were in my apartment; next thing I know it Scarlet has a glass of water and is kneeling next to me like last time. But there is worry all over her face, probably being sick twice in one day is worrying, but it was nothing, no temperature, nothing. Riley then speaks up and I didn’t know he was here, “That’s the second time in 6 hours, and you need to go to hospital”

I shook my head and croaked out “no I don’t, it’s probably a 24 hour thing.” I tried disagreeing, then looked up and saw Scarlett questioning and pleading look.

“Mia, what were you doing before you were sick?” she asked carefully like I might lose it. That’s when I tried to remember what I was doing.

“I was tired but didn’t want to go to sleep so I started making coffee, I went to the fridge and grabbed the mil-” I then threw up again. “The smell of it, like the butter I don’t know what’s wrong?!?” I then burst into tears. When I finally calmed down Scarlett talked to Riley for a bit and the he picked me up and started to leave my apartment. I tried to struggle and get down but riley wouldn’t put me down, I tried to beg him “Riley please put me down,” I sobbed but kept trying “Please riley I can’t go back in one, I might not get out like my mother, I can’t go bac-” I then gave into the tears and my sob racked though my whole body. I heard a quiet apology but he didn’t stop, I don’t remember anything then on as I went numb.


I woke up to a steady beeping noise coming from a machine to my left and then the smell I realised where I was, I was in a hospital, in a bed with wires coming out my arms and a clip on the end of one of my fingers. A tear rolled down my face, I was back, and to the one place I never wanted to come back to, my symbol of sadness. I opened my eyes, they slowly adjusted to the room and the faces in them, Riley, Scarlett and Matt, and they all had worried faces. I wiped the tear away. “I’ll go get the doctor and tell them she’s awake” riley then looked at me and I attempted a smile towards him. Scarlett sat down to the seat right next to my bed; her eyes were red and puffy like she had been crying. “Scarlett why have you been crying?” she shakes her head but doesn’t reply.

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