Fireworks Part 2

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By the time the G-elves and G-trolls got to the dead end, the five teens are gone. And the air vent cover is the only indication of where they've went. In the vents Robin leads the way followed by S/n, Aqualad, Kid Flash, Then Superboy. "Ugh, at this rate we'll never get out." Kid Flash complains. "Shh." Superboy shushes, coming to a stop, which cause the others too as well. "Listen." Even though some of S/n's powers are binded to her new runes, that she knows of. She doesn't know if all her powers are still with her. She still has super hearing. Within the vent system are the G-elves, coming after the five teenagers.

With The Cadmus Team

Desmond, Guardian, and Dubbilex run down a hallway. Desmond holds a tablet with the building schematics on it. "Someone, Robin or S/n, I'd wager hacked our systems deactivating internal security cameras, but they neglected the motion sensors." A group of five dots in the vents is following their path, and two groups of 3 are coming to a T, that converges on them. "The Genomorphs are closing in. They're all coming out in here." He opens the door to the restroom. "We have them cornered." They stand before the vents. Instead of the teen heroes though, five g-elves tumble out of the vent. "They hacked the motion sensors."

Back With the Teens

"We hacked the motion sensors." Robin and Y/n say as they continue using advanced keystrokes on their hologloves. "Sweet." Kid Flash says happy to be out of the vents and in the hallways again. "Still plenty of them, between us and out." Robin grumbles, they're also right by the emergency staircase. Kid Flash brings his goggles down over his eyes. "But I've finally got room to move." He opens the doors and starts running at super speed. S/n chuckles before taking out her stele and runs it over a rune that's on her left upper back. She puts her stele back into a wrist zipper. She takes a few steps back and runs after Kid Flash. Finally behind him, coming down the same staircase from a level above them are a pack of G-elves. They don't stop, in fact they smirk and increase their speed. They take them all out and clear they way for Aqualad, Robin, who is still hacking, and Superboy. "More behind us." Robin calls out to Superboy. As Superboy gets to the platform he stops and slams his foot down on the connecting stair, knocking the whole staircase down and all the G-elves on it. Kid Flash and S/n continue up the staircase at super speed, both seeing the door that indicates them at Sub-level 1. As they do an alarm begins to blare, which cause S/n to stop running but Kid Flash continues. Massive doors in front of him close. His eyes widen as he realizes he won't be able to stop in time. "Oh, crud." He hits the doors hard and his head hits first, before falling back to the ground from the sealed doors then tumbling over twice before coming to a stop on his butt. S/n eyes widen and a smile lands on her face as she holds in her laughter but rushes to help the male speedster. "We are cut off from the street." Aqualad grumbles as the others catch up with him. Kid Flash rubs the back of his head as S/n helps him up. "Thanks, my head hadn't noticed. Superboy walks past them, punching the door, but not a dent is made. He begins to try and pry it apart, but can't do it. Aqualad takes half and Superboy takes the other, but even their combined strength cannot get them open.

Robin is typing at high speeds on his gauntlet, he grumbles annoyed. "Can't hack this fast enough." "It's no use we're gonna die." S/n says bluntly. The four teens glare at her. She shrugs. G-trolls growl and come around the corner. Robin notices a door to his right. "This way!" He shouts doing a 270 rotation before side kicking the door open. The G-trolls can't make it through the door, but in the adjoining hallway is a drive of G-elves, another pair of G-trolls, and Guardian waiting for them. A G-gnome on every creature's shoulder. Behind them, a third G-troll and a half dozen G-elves cut them off. Aqualad removes his water beaters, forming dual swords. S/n's snake bracelet, starts slithering down and until the end of it is in her hand, she snaps it to the side which forms her staff.

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