Welcome to Happy Harbor Part 2

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Miss Martian attempts to go in a different direction but is unsuccessful. As they are all trapped in the tornado, they all try to hold on and grunt as their whirling around. M'gann was somehow able to get them out of there. Once she gets them to the parking lot, they all drop out of a door that M'gann created. At the power plant, all the workers are evacuating and screaming in fear. "Robin, are tornadoes common in New England?" Aqualad asks as he turns to the Boy Wonder, just to find where he was just at. Empty. "Robin?" "H-he was just here." M'gann objects not knowing about Robin's...abilities. The Boy Wonder's laugh echoes, but no one can locate him. "I love it when he does that!" S/n says smiling at the Power Plant building. Kid Flash looks at her. "Let me guess. You taught him that." "Yes, to the disappearing part. The laughter was all his idea. In my opinion, it gives it a little flair." Before he could answer back, everyone's attention turns back to the Power Plant where the windows are being blown out. Inside is a red and black eco-suit with blue tubes running from his shoulders, up and to his lower back, and a brown scarf covering his mouth. Tornado-like fuels coming from each hand. The funnel hits Robin directly and slams him into the support pillar nearly eight feet off the ground, then lets him fall to the ground. The Team runs in through the loading bay doors. Superboy jumps the stairs beside Robin, as he sits up. "Who's your new friend?" Robin turns to the Kryptonian, grimacing at his action. "Didn't catch his name." The Boy of Steel jumps at the villain. "But he plays kinda rough." He finished, warning the boy. The exo-suit's villain's stands ready as his wrists release air pulses. "My apologies." Revealing his robotic tone. "You may address me as Mr.Twister." S/n laughs. "How original." She comments.

Mr. Twister throws both his hands up, creating two more tornados, Superboy was able to withstand it, but Twister redirects to the tornado, grabbing Superboy before throwing him into a wall. He hits the wall, it dents before he falls to the floor. Now on the main floor was the rest of the team. M'gann turns to the three experienced teenagers. Wally gets his goggles from his pocket before sliding them over his eyes. Robin gets back up on his feet. The Atlantean looks to M'gann then nods, she understands before she nods backs. The three of them take off as S/n looks through the Gray book. She finds two runes and remembers them as the team fights Mr. Twister. She remembers each curve and tiny detail, only being bought back as the said villain says. "I was prepared to be challenged by a superhero." She walks until she stands next to Robin. He pulls a disk out from under his jacket while she gets her stele out. "I was not however, expecting children." "Were not children!" Robin yells launching a small bomb before the small disk. Twister counteracts the bomb, with his tornadoes, causing it to explode at a harmless distance, he thought the Boy Wonder faked one of his moves as he lets them drop, giving the disk the opportunity to land in the center of his chest plate. The villain flicks it away. "Obviously, you are." The disk then explodes. "Have you no adult supervision? I find your presence here quite disturbing." "That why I'm here Mr. Twister. We do hate to see you disturbed." S/n bites, bringing Twister's attention on her for the first time, the five teenagers, which Kid Flash isn't there, behind her. "Let's see if you're more turbed once we kick your can!" Robin smirks. "Took the words right out of my mouth." "Don't I always, Boy Wonder." M'gann reaches out with her telekinesis, destroying the fixture over his head, creating a small steam barrier that Superboy jumps through. Even with the barrier, Twister still reacts fast enough to catch Superboy before he can try to do any damage. He throws him to the ceiling then bounces off to falls into a flying M'gann. The other three heroes dodge without missing a beat. The Atlantean's hands charge with electricity. Twister starts crating vortices, that then become mini twisters before heading towards S/n and Robin. The female heroine gets out of the way but the Boy Wonder and Aqualad got picked up before slamming into each other.  The heroine draws the rune on her hand before quickly drawing it on the other one.

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