Drop Zone

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Caribbean Sea; July 22nd, 20:08

The team is in the Bioship flying over the Caribbean Sea, en-route to their first official mission. "We're approaching Santa Prisca." Miss Martian announces. Robin and Kid Flash in the front, Aqualad sitting behind KF while Superboy sat behind Robin, and S/n in the middle, infront of Miss Martian. Robin thinks back to the debrief they had, before they left.


"Isla Santa Prisca." Batman says, showing the teens the map of the island. "This island nation is the primary source of a dangerous and illegal neurosteroid a strength-enhancing drip sold under the street name Venom." The display changes to show shots of the warehouse. "The infrared heat signatures indicate that their factory operating at full capacity, but all shipments of Venom have inexplicably cut off. That's where this Team comes in. This is a covert recon mission only. Observe and report. If the Justice League needs to intervene, it will." It then changes back to the island map. "The plan requires two drop zones." Two drop zones appear on the map indicating the locations of the drop offs. "So who's in charge?" Robin asks getting Batman and Red Tornado to turn to the Boy Wonder before exchanging glances. S/n gasps as she has a vision. 'Bane trapped to a tree, Kid Flash and Robin arguing, the team smiling at Aqualad and S/n.' "Work that out between you." Batman tells the team, Robin nods, a smile forming on his face.

Flashback over

That same smile is on his face. "Drop Zone A, in 30." Miss Martian announced, Aqualad stands up as the chair straps remove themselves. He hits his symbol and his suit turns from his original to a grey and black one. "Ready." He says. "Putting Bioship in camouflage mode." She says as they come within view of the island. Over the water, a opening is in the base of the shop forms. Aqualad dives into the water below to his part.

After a while they hear him. "Heat and motion sensors are patched. Data is now on a continuous loop. Move in." He tells the Team through his comm. "Drop Zone B." Miss Martian announces as they stop. The rest stand, Miss Martian raises a hand and likes fall from the ceiling which Robin and Kid Flash attach to. Once attached, Kid Flash touches his lightning bolt emblem. His once yellow parts turning a dark grey. He looks over it with a smile. "How cool is this?" He asks turning towards Miss Martian but S/n is in the middle. "Very impressive." Miss Martian said while his girlfriend said. "Eh." He looked at her before walking towards her until he was right in front of her. He wraps his arms around her waist bringing her closer, she cupped his cheek, while the other was on top of his shoulder. "Babe, that was not crash." "I know, but you didn't let me finish." She leans more towards his ear and whispers. "I like this on you better then your other one." She kisses him on the cheek before getting out of his grasp. She sits on her chair before looking at her nails. He looks at her, she winks at him. Robin sees the whole exchange before looking down. 'Nothing, I can do about it now.'

Miss Martian has already changed her outfit, once Wally saw this he looks stunned. "Uh, that works too." He pulls S/n off her chair while he sits down. She looks at him mouth agape. He pats his leg, she understands and looks at him weary before sitting down on his and leaning her head on his shoulder, his arm securing her waist. He turns his head over to Superboy, who stood in his normal clothes. "Hey Supey, not too late to put on the new stealth tech." "No capes, no tights. No offense." He says, crossing his arms. "It totally works for you." He glances over at Miss Martian, her head leaning on her hand. When he looks at her she stands straighter embarrassed. "In that, you can totally do good work in those clothes." She covers, horribly. S/n sees this and laughs. "Very subtle." She whispers to Martian girl, who puts a hand on her forehead, embarrassed. She puts her hood over her head, and disappears before dropping out of the ship. The couple quickly stand up. S/n runs her stele over her agility rune, before putting it away. All of them hit the ground quietly, realizing Superboy not beside them look up and yelp before diving to the side. Kid Flash wrapped a arm around S/n's waist as they both dodge, Superboy hits the ground with a loud boom. She looks up realizing she was on top of Wally blushes before getting up and offers a hand to him, which he accept. She turns around fixing her hair, arms wrap around her waist, her back to his chest. "By the way, I love it when you blush." He whispers, in her ear making her do a tight lipped smile. He releases his hold on her. "Knew I didn't need a line." Superboy said, confidently. The female Leaguer shakes her head at him before chuckles at the Kryptonian. "And yet, creating a seismic event may not have helped us with the 'covert.'" Robin grumbles, still not in a good mood as he witnessed the couple's actions earlier, and what just happened did not help. He stood up, as the couple walk to where there at, as Miss Martian comes to the ground. "Aqualad, Drop B is a go." She informs. "Head to the factory. I'll track your GPS and meet you ASAP." "Roger that." Robin says, looking down at his hologlove, as the others looks stand over him. They all take off to the factory.

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