Schooled Part 2

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She pouted, which Robin looked at her with a smile. 'Too cute.' Superboy seemed to agree with her seeing as he flipped the truck of himself. "Superboy!" Robin exclaimes in question, as the said boy leapt into the air, going after the monkeys. "Aqualad to S/n and Robin - we lost our cargo. Did you -." Robin cut him off. "It's gone. And so is our partner." Robin replied, with a finger pressed against the comm. "Aqualad to Superboy, radio your coordinates and we'lol help you." "I don't need help - don't want any!" The boy shouted back. "Superboy?" "I think he ditched his comm." S/n sighed. "Super, now we can't even track him." Wally exclaimed, his voice slightly higher than normal. "Babe, are you going through puberty?" After S/n said that her and Robin bust out laughing. "Beautiful." Wally exclaimed slightly embarrassed. Their laughs hid into coughs. "He's out of my telepathic range." "He really hates monkeys." S/n blurted, her and Robin laughing quietly. "This Professor I've, if he really is alive, he seems to be two steps ahead of us. Maybe we should contact Red Tornado?" M'gann suggested. "Tornado always tells us to handle things ourselves. And the mission can still succeed if we recover the parts before they're reassembled." "Well that's a great plan." Wally exclaimed sarcastically, his voice going slightly higher. "Except for the part about us not knowing where to look!" "One, babe your voice and second maybe we do." S/n said looking at the demolished monkey. Robin understands what she's saying and crouches down, plugging a wire from his gauntlet into the back of the monkey. While the heroin stood over his shoulder watching him. "We'd have heard by now if the decoy trucks had been attacked. So how did these monkeys know exactly which trucks to target?" He questioned as he typed on his gauntlet. "Ha!" He exclaimed, his lips pulling into a smirk. He looks to the female Leaguer. "The parts have GPS! The monkeys can track the signal." "Which means you can track them with the one we have." S/n realized as she finished his sentence. "Exactly." He responded. "It looks like both sets of parts are converging on." S/n paused as she looked at the holoscreen. "Gotham City." "That far south? M'gann and I won't get there anytime soon. I'm sending Kid on ahead to meet you. Aqualad out." "That's gonna go to his head." S/n sighed, forgetting her finger was on her comm, which means everyone could hear. "You know what? Later on babe, you and I are gonna have a chat." Her eyes widened. "What" She makes sounds like as if her comm is breaking up. "Sorry...your... breaking...up." She makes a long sound before stopping and turning to Robin who had a amused look on his face. "Shut up." He shrugged innocently before pressing a finger to his gauntlet, his motorbike engine revolt and heading towards them. "Definitely a disaster. Heavy on the dis." He claimed, sighing. The female heroin searches for her stele only to find it missing. "Rob, do you have my stele?" He shakes his head. "Do you have a extra?" "Nope." She sighs. "Well, I guess we're gonna have to share then. Since my bike went...kaboom." She said kaboom doing a explosion with her hands. "Yup." A smirk on his face. "Yup." She mimicked. The bike stopped in front of them. "I'm driving. Your tinier, you go in the back." She quickly rushes out seeing the small size. "Embarrassed are we?" He teased with a smirk." "No, just concerned for your safety." Playing if off, she looks to the side. Giving Robin enough time to get on the bike and in the front. "S/n, you coming?" She looks at him, seeing him in the front. Her mouth hangs open before she quickly gulps and makes a sound agreeing. "Mhmm." She sits behind him. A blush appearing on her face. "You should hold on. I like to go fast, wouldn't want you to go flying and hurting that pretty face of yours." Her mouth hands open as she playfully glares at his back, practically knowing he has a smirk on. "Just go."


Gotham City | August 3rd ~ 21:21

"So you changed, too?" Robin asked suddenly, making  S/n lift her head off his back as her arms were wrapped around his waist, as she woke up from her nap. After he changed, she didn't realizing there would be no point. "Who are you talking too?" She looked to the side and saw her boyfriend, who was looking at her with a smile. "'s you." She says before snuggling back into Robin's back. "Babe, why don't you ever do that with me?" He pouts. "Because his suit is clothing and yours is... like a shell. It's hard." "I'm hurt." He says finishing his conversation with her, slightly jealous but hides it well, before turning back to the Boy Wonder. The girls closes her eyes but still listening to the conversation. "You kidding, I feel naked in civies. You still tracking those parts?" "They we're heading to Gotham, but they veered." The Boy Wonder replied which made S/n opens her eyes before lifting her head onto Robin's shoulder. "Wait, they're at our school."  S/n says, speaking for both her and Robin.

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