This is Berk (2018/2019)

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Dear KC,

Originally, I had grouped you into a letter with Oshbabe and Dewey, but I figured that you deserved something of your own after the year that we've had.

You know, I think I'm actually getting worse at writing these letters because honestly, this year feels so difficult to write and get out actual feelings.  I have to be in a certain mood for it to work, or else, it just doesn't.  Words just don't come out.  You don't know how long I spent just staring at a blank screen for both Tazer's and Hughesy's letters.  And how much time I spent after that fixing and rewriting even those first three lines.

But for this one, it's not too hard.  What else do I have to say other than you're like my bestest friend in the entire world?

I'm serious here.

You just, you get me?  Like in a really weird, but awesome way.  Like, it really just clicked on a level from like day one.

Even though you didn't know how the heck to say my name like four months in?  Like what?

But after you got past that INSANELY difficult obstacle (see the sarcasm?), we have literally been like peanut butter and jelly.  Like Canada and cold.  Like Brandon Sanderson and great books.

Like (insert famous duo).

With our friendship, things have never been overly complicated or difficult.  And as much as I criticized easy in my last letter, it's what most of my friendships end up being, which I am super okay with.  I want to be able to have those types of relationships with people where I don't need to always be thinking of what they're thinking about me or worrying about what they're saying behind my back.

Because I know that you just won't.

And that's something I really appreciate.  You don't care about what I say or do.  You just listen.

I can come to you with any problem, at any time, and your answer will ALWAYS be "Yeah.  Okay."

It's so refreshing to have a friend like that, one that'll always be there for me, no matter what.


The easiest choice I ever made was becoming friends with you.


You really should get more music than just the HTTYD soundtrack on your phone.

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