Nice2KnoU (2017/2018)

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Dear Panda Bear, Buttergirl, and Metalhead,

Wow wow wow wow wow wow wow.

What is up my dudes?  It's been one heck of a year with y'all.  It really has been a rollercoaster, but you guys, you have been the best part of this ride.  

Panda Bear and Buttergirl, you two are the most reliable people I have ever met.  I know I can always go to you guys for a steaming hot of gossip or just a laugh.  I swear Buttergirl, you are the funniest person I have ever met, even with your horrible (not so horrible) puns.  We are short little Asians together!  I will make you a bowl of Pho whenever you pass by for the next Sleeping With Sirens/All Time Low/Waterparks concert, and it will be the most delicious thing you'll ever eat.  Trust me.  🍜  Here is a little bowl of Pho to satisfy you in the meantime.

Panda Bear, I can't believe you liked the firefighter and nurse from the new season of the Amazing Race.  Seriously, how much more cheesy can you get.  Bleh.  But moving on from your awful choice in teams, you are literally one of the happiest people I have ever met.  And that's not a bad thing!  Honestly.  You always manage to make me smile, whether it be with a GIVE'R! or an update about Eddy.  You're so happy all the time, and it makes me want to be happy too.  Your smile is truly infectious.

Now Metalhead.  Damn.  You've changed.  A lot from last year.  To me, you used to be a puppet in Gossip Girl's show, her sidekick of sorts.  But this year, you did a complete 180.  Suddenly, you were different.  You were still nice, but you started speaking up more, letting people know your opinion.  You cut ties with Gossip Girl and began to hang out with new people, including me.  I don't even remember you from last year.  You truly become a great friend to me.  You make me laugh with your critique of Kellin's hair (it is fabulous), and your devotion to Metallica makes it so much fun to prank you (it was hilarious when you actually believed that they showed up at Warped Tour).  It has been really, really, really great getting to re-know the new you.

You guys make up my own Inner Circle (Buttergirl=Cassian, Panda Bear=Mor, Yoongi's Girlfriend=Azriel, Metalhead=Amren; you'll understand this Metalhead when your read A Court of Mist and Fury).  If we're going by that, I guess I'm Rhys?  Would that make Ringo Starr Feyre?  And who is Tamlin in this situation?

Anyways, book references aside, I love you guys.  You're my best friends, the All Time Low to my Alex, the Grover to my Percy.  We always have fun together, and I am so lucky to have you guys in my life.  Thanks for staying with me.

P.S. Next time we go to a movie, Buttergirl, make sure no one yells at us for being too loud. 

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