Chapter 7

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Once y/n had woken from her slumber and stumbled to the bathroom, Steve and Bucky slipped from the room to drag Brock's body none too gently down to the beach and hid it in a patch of vegetation by the dock to dispose of later. Then they went back in and wiped the dried blood from the tiles.

By the time they had finished, y/n was walking down the stairs, dressed in fresh denim shorts, white cotton tank top, and a dark blue bikini with flipflops. She smiled warmly at the two men as she made her way to the kitchen, calling out, "What would you like for breakfast, waffles or pancakes?"

Before she can reach the fridge two pairs of arms wrap around her waist. "As delicious as that sounds, why don't you and Buck take a seat while I make breakfast?" Steve suggests, softly kissing her temple before shooing both of them to the breakfast bar.

"Are you sure?" she can't help but ask as Bucky pulls her down to sit on his lap, nose nestled against the pulse point in her neck.

"Positive, I've been taking notes, so I'm pretty sure I know what I'm doing," Steve flashes them a charming smile before setting to work on getting the ingredients and implements out for pancakes. By some miracle, and the very watchful eyes of y/n and Bucky, there are three tall stacks of barely edible pancakes placed on the breakfast bar, along with coffee, fruit juice, and toppings for the pancakes.

Once all the food has been devoured and the dishes all cleaned and packed away, y/n leans against the countertop across from the boys. "So, what do you want to do today?"

Steve and Bucky share a look before Bucky answers, "We were going to go into the deep water, I have a few shark friends that would be more than happy to help with disposing of the body..."Y/n's head drops into her hands as she mumbles, "I was hoping that it was just a bad dream..." Her shoulders start shaking almost violently as she works to keep her tears silent.

In a flash both men have their arms wrapped tightly around her, hands rubbing soothing circles wherever they can reach as they coo softly, trying to calm her down. It worked surprisingly quick, their voices, soft touches, their very presence acting as a healing balm for her soul. Once calmed down she informs them that she wants to go with to dump Brock's body, just to give herself peace of mind that he's really gone. Though they don't exactly agree, they can't deny that she has a good point when she offers to take him in the boat so that they don't have to carry him all the way.

Within the hour they are underway, y/n in the boat with Brock's body wrapped in a sheet and both boys swimming alongside it. Once they reach the open water Bucky dips beneath the waves to seek out his shark friends while Steve hauls himself onto the boat to slip off his skin and pull on the board shorts they had packed.

It only takes Bucky a few minutes to come back up, this time with 4 great white sharks flanking him. Bucky grins giddily as he pulls himself into the boat. "Doll, I'd like you to meet Flotsam, Jetsam, Riptide, and Alpha," he introduces the sharks. Once he had completed the transition to human, Bucky and Steve unwrap Brock's corpse from the sheet and drag him to the side of the boat. "Bon appetite boys!"Bucky yells before they drop his body into the water, the sharks wasting no time in starting to tear him limb from limb, making the water dark red.

Y/N cannot find it in her to watch and instead turns her gaze to the sky. Bucky and Steve stand on either side of her, their arms wrapped securely around her as a cold wind blows through them.

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