Chapter 8

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Bucky locked eyes with Steve over Y/N's head, wordlessly communicating with his mate that they should do something to cheer up their girl. At first, Steve looked confused. He wondered what could possibly help their girl to feel better. And then it came to him; the forgotten treasure chests!

Slowly coaxing her away from the edge of the boat, they helped her sit down on the small bench before starting the engine and taking off. The roaring of the engine propelling them forward makes it difficult to have a conversation, thus y/n contents herself with sitting next to Steve while Bucky steers the boat.

Once they reached their destination, the middle of nowhere, both men assure her that they would only be a while before turning back to their aquatic forms and diving over the side of the boat.

Below the water, it is an endless stretch of rippling blue currants and the white sand that covers the ocean floor. Hidden beneath the waves lies an impressive shipwreck that once carried Roman sailors across the seas, now in ruin, there is a large hole torn into the hull.

Cautiously Bucky leads the way into the sunken wreck, keeping his sharp eyes out for any hidden dangers. They make it to the cabin where they had first found treasure, there are still large trunks that upon closer inspection contain what must have been thousands of golden coins, precious jewels, carved goblets, fine jewelry, and the crowning glory of it all, a tiara of pearl and diamond.

Sharing a positively giddy grin with Steve, Bucky closes the trunk and picks up the one end while Steve grabs the other. The two of them slowly make their way out of the wreck and back through the open water to the silhouette of the boat above.

They break through the water with triumphant shouts of glee as they push the trunk onto the boat before hauling themselves up. However, their smiles fall from their faces when they find the deck completely empty.

"Y/N? Doll?" Bucky calls out, turning in every direction, hoping to see the woman who had stolen his heart pop out and tell him that it's just a joke.

"Y/N? Sweetheart?" Steve calls out, sounding even more panicked than Bucky as he too scans the horizon in every direction.

However, the only sounds to be heard are the waves lapping at the sides of the boat and their own ragged heartbeats as their veins fill with a sense of dread.

Miles away, just beneath the horizon, sits an impressive yacht with a helicopter on a landing pad. Y/N is just rousing, her head feeling as if it were about to explode. As her eyes flutter open to take in her surroundings the first thing she notices is that she is bound to a rather hard wooden chair but before she can take in much more than that a masculine voice speaks, "She's awake, boss."

A large, barrel-chested man with an oily smile and even oilier hair approaches, looking like a kid at Christmas. "Wonderful, now we can begin," he laughs before directing his attention to the men standing behind her, "Take her below and question her, if she refuses to talk, make her sing."

Dread settles in her stomach as the ropes are untied and she is dragged roughly down a set of stairs. Oh Steve and Bucky, where are you?

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