Moving Day

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My eyes slowly fluttered open as the sun's warm rays softly rested on my face. I looked over at the clock by the bed. It's bright, neon-blue numbers flashed 7:01 AM. Even though I only got around six hours of sleep, I didn't feel that tired or need to sleep in. I looked over at Marshall and saw him laying on his side, his back turned to me. I figured he was asleep, so I quietly got out of bed to use the bathroom and freshen up.
I left the bathroom and went to go see if Alex was asleep. I entered the room and saw him laying down, but his eyes were open, looking at the ceiling.
"Good morning sweetie." I planted a kiss on his soft face. "Have you been awake all this time?" I ran my fingers through his hair, wondering how long he was awake. He slightly nodded.

"Well, why didn't you come and wake mama?" My fingers continued to stroke his hair as a small smile spread across my face. "C'mon! We have to get ready so we can get on the plane!" I planted another kiss on his delicate face.

"Hey mom!" I brightly said to my mom over the phone.

"Hi sweetie. What time are you getting on the plane?" She asked me. I heard sizzling sounds in the background.

"What are you cooking!?" I immediately asked, forgetting her question.

"Hashbrowns, eggs, and pancakes. Your cousins Lennie, John, and Mia are coming down later today with their mom. This food isn't all for me!" She softly chuckled. I quietly sighed, reminiscing on her cooking and how much I missed it.

"To answer your question, we're boarding the jet at 9:30. It doesn't take off till about 9:45 ish though."

"Oooh, a jet? I didn't know he had one. Tell me all about it when you get off. Oh! I have to get going, they're going to be arriving in about fifteen minutes and I haven't finished tidying up the house. I love you!" She made a quick kissy sound over the line.

"I love you too." I also did the kissy sound. After we both hung up, I looked over at the clock and noticed it was already 9! Shit. We had to leave already.


There it was: Marshall's private jet. It was huger than I expected. I stood there in amazment and anxiousness. Simply because I've never been on a plane - ever. My fingers began to fidget a bit meanwhile my heart skipped a beat or two. I continued to stand a few feet outside of it's stairs just gawking at the enormous aircraft. My thought process wasn't functioning normally as if my mind kept saying "404 Error Not Found, 404 Error Not Found ...".

Marshall's fingers interlaced with my fingers, locking them together with an ever-so-light hold. His fingers tenderly soothed mine. His affection and effort to comfort me engendered me to feel a litte more at ease. His hand gently took ahold of mine as he lead the way into his jet.

It was furnished with white, leathery recliner-like seats. In the middle of each seat, there was a black table placed right in front of it.

"Where do you usually sit?" I asked him while i continued to look around in awe.

"In the back." He told me, his hand still locked with mine, leading the way. He led me to a set of seats that were placed in the corner. As I carefully put Alex down into a seat, I noticed there was a mini fridge beside the seat Marshall was now sitting in.

"Do you only sit over here because you don't have to get up to go to your fridge?" Soft chuckles escaped my mouth. I smiled at Marshall, waiting for a response. A tiny smile appeared on his face, making his wrinkles appear slowly.

"Mayybee." We softly laughed together. I seated myself right beside a window and also next to Marshall. I've always promised myself to get a window seat whenever I go on a plane.

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