You Can Stay With Me

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*A/N* Sorry I took foreeeeeveeerrrrrr to update. A lot of unexpected things have been happening and I'm busy with a lot of other things lately. (i.e school work, studying, and I also own a fan-page 24/7 on the side) But don't worry, I will upload a few pre-written chapters soon :*


"So what do you wanna do?" I asked Marshall. My finger tips began to tap on the couch's edge. I usually always did that when I was nervous or anxious.

"Um...we could watch tv." He suggested. I thought about it, but I realized TV was too boring. I could hardly ever find a good show that wasn't boring or some shit.

"Nah, TV is too boring." I told him. He just shrugged and looked like he was thinking some more.

"Oh!! I know what we could do!" I jumped out of excitement. "We can play video games!" Yeah, probably not the most romantic or cutest thing to do on a first date, but I didn't give a fuck. What guy doesn't enjoy playing video games with a girl? And it was a perfect way for us to get to know each other better.

A smile formed on Marshall's face. "You serious?" he croaked out.

"Yes!!" I jumped off the couch and unplugged my cable box's HDMI cable, then I plugged it into the back of my PS3. I grabbed two controllers out of a nearby drawer. One of them was a blue controller and the other one was a dark red controller. I handed him the red controller.

"What are we gonna play?" he asked while I was bringing the "Gamer" chairs out. They were just really comfortable chairs that I used for gaming. I only had three extra comfortable chairs that were used for playing video games. There wasn't anything special or fancy about them.

"It's either Call of Duty:Black Ops 2, or Mortal Kombat. Just warning you, I can kick anybody's ass in Mortal it's your choice if you want to embarrass yourself." I taunted him while he thought about what video game we should play.

"Since I suck ass in both of them. How about we just play Call of Duty." Marshall let out a friendly smile. I cheesily smiled back at him.

"Musical Prostitue?" He was squinting at the screen. I began to laugh because it was my PSN name. Only Queen fans would get it.

"I'm just a musical prostitute, dear." I mimicked in a British accent. Marshall made a very creeped out facial expression. "Right." He oddly said.

"Only if you were a Queen fan, you'd get it." I informed him, as he kept the same expression on his dumb face.


"FUCK!!" I shouted at the game. I was shot and killed by some ass named Y_U_S0_MADl0l ...and I was the last kill. My dumb ass would be on the Kill cam. The score board popped up. I got 21 kills, with six deaths. I looked down to Marshall's name and he got four kills and sixteen deaths. I accidentally burst out laughing.

"Shut up." He hacked up.

"I guess new generation games, aren't really your thing. Would the N64 suit you?" I suggested. He scrunched his eyebrows together in confusion by my comment.

"You seriously have it?"

"You bet your ass I do. It's in perfect condition too." Right when I was going to get the Nintendo 64, my phone buzzed. "Chloe Perez sent you a message" it was a Facebook notification.

"Shit!!" slipped out of my mouth, loudly.

"What happened!?" He quickly turned his head, and a look of concern poured over his face.

"Nothing. I just remembered that my little cousin Well, she's obsessed with you. And she just sent me a message on Facebook." I opened my inbox and was curious on why she messaged me. She hardly ever talks to me on social media and I haven't seen her since last year. She sent me a message saying,"OH MY FUCKING GOD... YOU ARE DATING EMINEM!!! WHY DIDNT YOU TELL ME SOONER!?!? YOU KNOW I'M IN LOVE WITH HIM!!! HOW AND WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN?? PLEASE RESPOND ASAP!!" along with photos of me and Marshall leaving The Habit. Fuck. I bet these photos went viral already. Normally, I would've told her to mind her own business or simply to fuck off and not worry, but I had to be nice to her, knowing the man sitting a few feet away from me was her idol. That's all she talks about and posts about on Facebook. And she even told me she has a fan page with thousands of followers, or something. I texted her back,"Chloe, we barely met yesterday and we were just hanging out today. Please don't tell your little friends on your fan page anything." I slid my phone back into my pocket.

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