Movies, Movies, and Movies

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Jesse gazed into my eyes, waiting for an answer.

"I, uh. I'm actually interested in somebody else. Um...he's actually the person who's gonna pick me up. I'm really sorry." I awkwardly replied back, and scooted away.

"Oh." Jesse awkwardly said in slight disappointment. He scooted further away. He kept his eyes toward the ground and didn't dare to look back up. There was a very eerie silence. I know it only lasted for about a minute- but it seemed like an eternity.

A few minutes later, I saw a black SUV pull up and honk. The windows were all tinted and I couldn't even see who was driving. But I assumed it was Marshall.

"Um... bye Jesse." I got up and walked toward the SVU. I put Alex in the back seat and hopped into the passenger side. I looked at Marshall. He kept glaring at Jesse. Exchanging cold stares. Then he finally drove away.

"Who was that waiting with you?" He asked me.

"My boss." I replied back to him. He nodded and kept his eyes fixed onto the road.

"So, what do you wanna do?" He asked. I really didn't feel like going out cause I was tired- and on top of that, people would probably be on the look out for Marshall. All I really wanted to do was crawl in bed and be a lazy fuck.

"We can just chill at my house. Maybe we can watch a movie." I began to think what movies we would be able to watch. A movie that was appropriate for Alex...but not too kiddy.

"Any movies you have in mind?"

"Not yet, but the movie has to be appropriate for Alex." Maybe some kind of Disney or animation movie- those were always the best to watch.

"Oh, I know the perfect movie that is appropriate: Superbad." I felt Marshall's sarcasm beginning to kick in.

"Oh and after that, we can watch a bunch of documentaries about cold-blooded serial killers." I threw sarcasm right back at him.

"Wow that just sounds like the most perfect movie night for any kid." He flashed one of those cute smiles he always does for a quick second. Two people with the same level of sarcasm-ooh that just sounds like chaos.

"How long have you been working at that store?"

"Four years. My best friend Sasha and that guy you saw, Jesse, have all known each other since high school and we decided to move to LA. Jesse didn't become manager till a year ago. Our previous manager got caught with child porn on his computer, so since Jesse was one of the few hard working workers there, he made him the new manager. A lot of the workers are obvious stoners." I finished telling him. Marshall's mouth was gaped open.

"Are you serious!? Damn. That is freaking crazy. It just proves that people are never what they seem to be."

"Aint that the damn truth. It just makes me sick to my-" I was about to say fucking, but I withheld myself from saying it because Alex was in the car. "-To my stomach how grown adults want to touch or harm helpless children." Even the thought of pedophiles would send me into fury.

"Well people are just sick. I can't stand it either. It's a cruel world we live in."

"I wish pedophiles would get death sentences or spend a very very long time in prison. Did you know the average prison time for a computer hacker is about fifteen years, and the average time for a rapist or pedophile is five years? It makes you wonder how f'ed up our government is."

"Very f'ed up. Makes me sick and sad to know this is how our government works."


When we finally arrived at my house, Marshall made himself comfy on my couch and sat back and relaxed. Alex seated himself a few cushions away from Marshall.

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