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"I'm just saying, this Pocky Game is really fun, plus you get to kiss someone without getting a restraining order!" Rui said, grinning while waving a box of pocky in front of Naruto.

"Did you really get a restraining order for this?" Shou asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Ah, no. It was how the guy told me about the game." Rui said. "He's a fun guy, name is Rokurou. We're getting coffee on Thursday."

"Coffee with a stranger who's had a restraining order?" Shou narrowed his eye.

"Yeah, we kinda planned to egg this girl's house while she's on a trip."

"... It's the girl who put a restraining order, isn't it."


"I question being your friend."

"Ok, we're off topic here and ignoring poor Naruto-kun." Rui said, turning back to her blonde friend. "Who hasn't interrupted me once, are you okay??"

"Huh? No, I'm fine." Naruto said, grinning.

"Great, now you in?" Rui asked, turning serious.

"Sure, as long as I don't get a restraining order." Naruto grinned.

"Yeah yeah, and I just got an idea!" Rui said, tilting her head towards the door. "You'll get 20 bucks if you play the Pocky Game with whoever walks through the door, got it?"


"Really?" Shou huffed.

"Well you don't gotta play," Rui said, then added, "killjoy."

"Fine, I'll play." Shou grumbled, looking at the door. "Who's going first?"

"Lemme see." Rui tapped her chin contemplatively. "I know! Eenie meenie miney moe, catch a-"


"Shush! Catch a guy-"

"Ok, stop. I'll just go first." Shou said, crossing his arms.

"Great, no longer shall you be a killjoy!" Rui cheered, hugging his arm.

"Get off me." Shou grumbled, then waited.


A blush dusted his pale cheeks as Pein walked in. He shrunk in his chair and watched the powerful man take in the empty sight of the store.

"Ooh, c'mon Shou." Rui giggled, nudging his arm. "Ya gotta. No chickening out."

"Fine, get off." Shou snapped, glaring at her. Then he looked back and gulped, remembering the last time clearly.

Then he got up and strides over and taps the man's shoulder.

Rui and Naruto watched as he tried to act apathetic while pulling out the box and pretend that his face wasn't red. They watched as Pein's eyes narrowed and the corner of his lips tugged upwards.

She giggled when Shou fumbled with a stick and stuck one end in his mouth and his face flushed more as the other took the other end.

They finished and before Shou could go back, the purple eyed man grabbed his shoulder and whispered something in his ear.

"You think-"

Shou nodded, face redder than Gaara's hair. Then allowed him to be led out the door.

"Yep." Rui answered her unfinished question and laughed. "He's gonna get fucked."

Naruto let out a choke that sounded either amused laughtef or sorta disturbed. Maybe both.

"Ok ok, you next." Rui said, grinning.

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