Chapter 18- Comatose State...

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I took (Y/n) from Malcolm, and as we walked into the small camp, or at least Hella close to it, Malcolm collapsed from the cold. I took a moment to realize how cold I too was, but I knew we had to press on. I took a moment to tell out for help, hoping in earnest that someone would hear and come to our aid.

I started to feel a numbness in my arms and legs and then collapsed to the round myself, in doing so lost hold of the sleep spell I had casted on (Y/n). I felt my blue eyes close, and I blacked out.

(Guess who's back! -(Y/n)
I screamed loudly, as my eyes shot open and gasped out. I turned my gaze around, finding Malcolm and Armin blacked out. I looked around and heard yelling in turn, "did you hear that!?" I picked Armin up and held his head in my lap, then and there I knew he had placed me under a sleep spell, which would explain why the nightmare never seemed to end.

I heard more yelling, louder yelling, and within moments I fell back into a cold dreamlike state just as people flooded towards the three of us. The last thing I remembered seeing was the large eyes of Blaze's terrified gaze over Armin and I.

I woke with a sensation of warmth, I gazed around finding (Y/n) asleep in one of the cots. Malcolm was sitting up on his cot, and drinking tea from a faded brown cup. A woman with hair as red as a foxes came up to me she spoke sweetly, "Malcolm told us what you did for them, we are grateful for your kindness." I nodded and she gave me a mug, from what smelled to be tea as well.

"When has she woken?" I nodded towards (Y/n).

The nurse frowned, "we've tried everything we did with the two of you, with it just isn't enough..."

"I see... is her breathing at least normal?" I asked, the blonde of my hair falling into my eyes.

"Yes, her pulse, breathing, everything is normal, but..." the nurse frowned more, "but her blood is as cold as ice, and when we last checked her, she was injured badly..." she paused and her eyes grew sharp, "then the Darkspawn walked over and he... well, he... I can't really explain it..."

"Please do, and take your time as well," I smiled softly.

"Oh? I- yes of course of course! The creature he used his hand and, without touching her head, waved it in a circle chanting some foreign language... the Tevinter said he thinks the creature placed her under a sleep spell, but it worked in much a way as a coma. Her injuries healed instantly however and she can rest as long as she needs, but until she wakes up we will be one short of a Herald..." she frowned, her eyes softening on the (h/c) haired girl.

"(Y/n)..." I mumbled quietly, after the nurse took her leave.

(Timeskip! Two days later!-Armin)
I stood, Malcolm to my right and Blaze to my left, with a sigh I turned towards the cot (Y/n) lay. We would be traveling for a few months and she has still yet to awaken. Varric took it upon himself to stay at her side with Lexi and hope she wakes soon.

A firm hand rested on my shoulder, "she will wake up, she's too stubborn to die," Blaze said, his gaze traveling to her as well.

"In the mineshaft she seemed ready to die..." I muttered shaking his hand from my shoulder, "I don't want you comforting me..."

Blaze's gaze became firm and for a moment I thought he would hit me, until Malcolm stood in front and stopped Blaze. I shifted lightly, walking towards (Y/n), Varric, and Lexi, "need anymore company?"

Varric smiled softly, Lexi raised her hands and giggled, "Uncle Armin!" I smiled and picked her up into my arms, my hand swaying in front of (Y/n)'s face, we need someone sneeze.

I looked for the person, but they were not there, I looked to (Y/n). Her breathing was slightly fast, but her pulse was still there. Her blood was warm again and yet she still wouldn't wake. I sighed and closed my eyes, "Please wake up (Y/n), we all need you..."

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