Chapter 20- Wake Up Dear, Now Or Death!

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A splitting headache as some would call it. That's what it was, when my eyes opened. I expected to be in my tent sleeping peacefully, but was horrified as I gazed around myself.

I sat up and stood slowly, my feet battling for balance, until hey were set and ready to move. My eyes flew a vibrant (e/c). I walked towards the small window of the place I held in my sleep, "where am I?" I asked no one.

"Welcome to Skyhold, Inquisitor," I heard Solas say, as he walked to my right. He placed his right hand on the railing, his left on my right hand. I sighed.

"How long?" I looked him in the eye.

"All the way until we came here, lead by Armin, Malcolm, and Blaze..." he said softly.

"Yeah? But for how long?" I grumbled.

"About two or so months..." he said hugging me to his chest, " we thought we lost you forever...."

"Well, here I am... tired, but I'm here..." I mumbled softly, then it hit me, "where's Lexi?" I looked around.

"Sleeping, Varric took care of her while you slept here..." Solas said, moving apart as a giant Mabari moved between us and growled lowly at Solas, "he showed up and seemed to claim you, he helped guard you while you slept in reality and fade..."

"But I was always awake in the fade, I explored every moment every timeline there was.. how was I asleep? No... wait... where was I?" I asked, tilting my head.

"In a dark room filled with enough blood for a bloodmage to be set for life with magic.... why?" He asked, stepping closer.

"Was there veil fire?" I quizzed, stepping back inside.

"Yes, when the dwarf lit it anyway..." he motioned with his hand.

"Who? What dwarf?" I gave him a look of utter confusion.

"Felsie? No one knows her last name however, she won't tell us..." Solas grumbled, bowed and took his leave.

"Felsie? Who the Hell is that?" I asked, as a baby Griffin sat on my right shoulder and purred onto my face. I picked it up and held it to my chest, "was it the dwarf who gave me you? Or was it a different dwarf who wanted me to live? To thrive?" I sat on the chair by the fireplace and closed my eyes slowly.

"When did I fall into an eternal slumber? How long has it really been since I fell? I feel as though the weight of the world depends on if I ever wake up..." a new voice came, startling me.

"Cole!" I yelled, jumping in the chair, staring wide-eyed at the smaller person.

"Hello, Inquisitor..." he said, a small smile on his face, "I'm glad you woke up."

"I-," I was lost for words, out of everyone, he was the one and first person to say this to me. And Solas came here first, "thank you Cole, that... that means alot to me," I smiled back and looked to the door as it slowly opened.

As it swung, in came a unsuspecting Cullen. From my seat, I knew he couldn't see me, so I decided to scare him a bit. I blew a bit of fire off of my hand and into the fireplace. Fire danced across the wood as it became suddenly brighter than before, which had indeed startled poor Cullen. I giggled softly, and I suppose he heard it, for after a moment he had jumped from the right side of the chair and scared me.

He laughed softly and helped me back to my feet, after having fallen out of the chair and onto the floor, "I'm glad to see your awake (Y/n)," he said, smiling a bit with a light pink blush.

I smiled, poking his nose softly, "as am I," I giggled hugging him. I felt him tense as he noticed Cole, and I watched him feverishly shake his head no to the boy and I looked between them confused.

"She would have died, had she slept any longer than now..." was all Cole said, as he vanished from our view.

"What?" I looked to Cullen, who wore a frown and his gaze shadowed by an unknown force.

"Its true..." was all he said as he too, left the room, leaving me to ponder everything alone.

Or so I thought...

*Hi guys! Today's fabulous Chapter.... ummm... Chapter 20- Wake Up Dear, Now Or Death! What I meant by that is that someone is going to die in their sleep and hey, guess what! It won't be you, but it will be someone important! Remember the name I told you to remember? That's who dies, but a new character may soon arise in their place... Anyway have a good rest of the day! And I hope you have questions for any of the characters because, I'm doing a Q/A for all of them! Even the one's from another book, I don't care, you gotta question all you have to do is ask! Also, I just want to say, killing people off hurts me more than it hurts them... wanna know how? I'll explain; I'm the one who writes how they die and when... (cry) anyway any suggestions or changes you wish me to do, let me know and I will just have to see what I can do! Goodbye little fish! -Eren*

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