Chapter One

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"Hi, Sam," A girl who I don't know flirtatiously twirls a lock of her orange hair between her fingers, a smile to match her movement. "I was wondering if my friend and I could come to your party?"

I smile at her, mine similar to hers. "Of course, beautiful," My fingers find her face and brush it gently, making goosebumps form on her arms. "And what might be your name?"

The girl opens her mouth to speak when my best friend Darren calls for me. Fucking Darren, just when I was about to get the girl he interrupts me.

"What?" I ask, aggravation clear in my tone. It is the end of the day here at school, and everyone is clearing out of the school making it hard to hear your own thoughts as friends yell at other friends their goodbyes. It's Friday, and my party starts in six hours, which means Darren and I have time to buy things for it.

"Dude, quit being pissy," My best friend rolls his eyes and that's when I notice the short red head that is attached to Darren's arm. "Anyway, Arabella here wants to know if she can come to your party." I have never seen the girl either, but by the way she is leaning into my best buds touch, I can tell the two are cozy.

"Yeah sure, whatever," My inpatients shines through. I have never been a patient person, my mom always tells me that when I was born, she swore I was going to cut my own umbilical cord if the doctor didn't hurry up. "Is that all you need?"

Before Darren can say anything, I am already five feet away from him and his "friend". To my disappointment, the ginger is gone causing my irritation to increase.

The party- or parties- is going to be the best yet, since my parents aren't going to be home the whole weekend, I can throw them for three whole days. Alcohol, girls, probably sex and no interruptions.


A blonde haired boy passes in front of me, but stops and backs up a little bit, turning to face me. "You're Sam, aren't you?" This shocks me, almost everybody knows me by name, give or take a few people who live under a rock.

"Yeah, why?" Well excuse me for being pissy, but I need to get to the party store and buy shit, not to mention go to Darren's and get the alcohol. My parents are against liquor, so there is none in my house and Darren and I are both under age, so we can't buy it ourselves.

So Darren's parents to the rescue!

Not that they know we are taking it. We are sneaky fucks and are just "borrowing" it.

"Uh, I'm Kayden," The kid smiles warmly at me, and I can't help the smile that spreads on my own face. His smile is contagious. "I was wondering if I could come to your party tonight?"

Gah, how can I say no when he's looking at me with those eyes. His eyes are the color of coco and they shine in the schools lights.

Wait, why am I talking about how beautiful a guys eyes are?

A guy!

"Of course, everyone is welcome," His eyes get even brighter as I tell him this, and his smile grows. "I guess I will see you at eight then?"

Kayden nods his head enthusiastically before hurrying off to wherever he is going. Well, that makes him the eightieth person attending the party. Not that it's a big deal, I live in a mansion that could easily fit more than a hundred people in it.

I turn back around and walk to Darren, where him and his Adella are making out. "God, get a room you two!" Darren's eyes flick to me but continues to kiss the red head, making sure to stick his tongue in her mouth while looking at me.

Fucking nasty.

"When you and Adella are done sucking face, meet me at the front steps," The two finally pull off each other and my best friend glares at me.

"Her name is Arabella, you twat,"

Adella, Arabella, same thing. It's not even like he will remember her name tomorrow anyway, and if anything I will be the one fucking her tonight.

"Whatever," I roll my eyes and can't help but laugh at the nasty look Arabella is shooting my way. "Now that you are done sticking your tongue down her throat, we need to buy party stuff and get the drinks from your house."

Darren nods before kissing Arabella once more and walking out of the school with me.


"Cups?" I look down at my check list.

Yes, I have a fucking check list. This party needs to be perfect.

"Check," Darren motions towards the red cups on the table.


"Check," Darren reaches down to his backpack and pulls out several bottles of alcohol, placing them on the table next to the cups, then goes outside to bring in the bottles and cans of beer we had his older brother buy for us.

"Perfect, that should be it," I check the last thing off and wait for the people to start piling in. The doorbell went off, and a group of girls smiled at us.

Oh, this is going to be one fun night.


Sorry for the super short chapter, but I can promise that they get better and longer as the story goes on!

I'm dedicating this chapter to none other than @MissCris, my inspiration.

She writes the best books EVER and I suggest you follow her!


I know the first chapter was uninteresting, but it's just the start, I PROMISE!

I love you, you smexy little thing you ;)


Alyssa <3

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