Chapter Fourteen

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Picture: Hannah Jenning

Kayden's POV:

We walk into The Pizza Box, smiling and laughing as West's stomach sounds like a fucking T-Rex. He pats his stomach and sings "Hush little tummy, don't say a word. Daddy's gonna buy you some pizza and make everything better in the world," He nods his head as- miraculously- his stomach stops growling.

I bump into Sam's back because he abruptly stops walking. "Sam? Hey, I know West's stomach sounds like a dinosaur, but I can promise you there is no T-Rex gonna eat you," I joke with my boyfriend, but stop when I see the terror on his face.

"Sam," Darren's voice is wavering slightly, his eyes carefully watching Sam. "Calm down. Do you see why now?"

My boyfriend turns to me with dark eyes and commands in a low voice "Kayden, leave." My eyebrows scrunch in confusion, and I look to West, who merely shrugs.

"Sam, what's wrong?" I step closer and rest a hand on his shoulder, but he shrugs it off and grabs my own shoulder and West's, pushing us to the door.

I try to break free of his strong grip, but there is no breaking from the damn Hulk's death grip. Freaking boyfriend with his perfect freaking tonedness and his perfect freaking body that can freaking push me away with a flick.


"Your grunting is just turning me on," Sam tells me, but there is no amusement or hidden lust in his eyes. Just terror.

From beside me, I hear West scolding his tummy. "You didn't behave and now Sam is mad! No food for you," He crosses his arms with a proud smirk, as if he just told his child no for the first time.

Gasp! What if West really is pregnant and his baby is going to die if it doesn't eat! "Wait, Sam! West's unborn child will die if you make us leave!" West raises his eyebrows so far up they get hidden in his purple hair. Sam, on the other hand, rolls his eyes and continues to pull us away from where we are.

"Sam?" A sweet voice fills my ears, and we all stop and look at a pretty brunette who is staring at MY man nervously.

Bitch better back the fuck up or I will beat her crusty ass.

Sam's face pales tremendously so he looks like Caspar the Friendly -or in his case, terrified- Ghost. "Ha-Hannah," He whispers her name nervously, a strange look crossing his features. "What are you- How did you- I'm so, so sorry."

My head whips between the two as I try to figure out what is going on. Why is Sam sorry? What did he do to Hannah, who seems sweet as can be?

Darren's voice startles me as he whispers in my ear "Do not get mad at him, he was young and foolish," My boyfriend's best friend's voice is a mix between sadness and threatening. "If you were in his situation, you would be just as scared. So don't fucking flip."

Darren walks over to West and says the same thing, smirking and brushing his lips dangerously close to my best bud's neck. Fucking Darren has to be a dick because of West's harmless crush, my poor friend.

"Sam," Hannah'a voice is soft as a feather, nearly getting lost in the loudness of the pizzeria. "I was leaving anyway and... Well, I came here to visit my cousin" She motions to Darren, who is standing next to West. "and see my son's father." Her hands move towards Sam, her hand weakly gesturing.

I gasp and as does West. My hand covers my mouth as I stare at my boyfriend in shock and horror. He has a son and didn't bother to mention that?! Sam stares at, guilt, regret, and sadness in his ocean blue eyes.

"Kayden, please-" He starts as he places a hand on my cheek.

I push it away furiously and glare at him. "You have a child and don't bother to let me- your BOYFRIEND- know? What the fuck?! I told you everything Sam. You know everything there is to know about Kayden Whitly. But you- you didn't tell me shit did you? Was I just a game, Sam? Was this whole relationship your little plot to mess with me? Because if it wasn't, and if you loved me, you would have told me about your son!" My words are flung at his face at hyper speed, so fast I could barley contain it. Sam's face pales further, and next to him a red-faced Darren glares at me.

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