Chapter Ten

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Picture: Sam Kendler

Sam's POV:

After finding out that Kayden was, indeed, gay, I ask him the question I have been wanting to ask since I first saw those chocolaty brown eyes. "Will you be my boyfriend?"

I hear Kayden take a deep breathe, his whole body rigid as he stares the my chest with a mix of emotions. The longer he stares at me without saying anything, the more it worries me he will say no. "Kayden? Did you hear me?"

Kayden nods his head before slowly meeting my eyes. "Sam," He whispers my name in a way that has me shaking slightly. "I will be your boyfriend." My shaking ceases and I let out a huge sigh of relief before pressing my lip's against Kayden's. His hands tangle themselves in my hair as I pull him onto my chest, moving our lips in perfect synchronization.

I thank him repeatedly each time our lips don't meet and run my hands down his back, his smooth leather jacket feeling amazing against my sweaty palms. When he pulls back and rests his forehead against mine, he says "No, thank you Sam. I've wanted this since I first saw you walking down the hall, your group of fangirls following behind,"

A chuckle leaves my lips as he calls all the girls who like me "fangirls". In a sense they are- they literally scream when they see me, and I'm pretty sure if that keeps up, I am going to be deaf by eighteen years old. "Yeah, well they can back up now 'cause I have you," I place a tiny kiss on his nose, only to frown when I see his face suddenly fall dark. "What's wrong?" My heart starts to beat at the thought of Kayden regreatting his decision. I would be torn to pieces, over a boy mind you. I don't think I would be able to move much for months.

That's how strong my feelings for Kayden are.

"I-" His voice cracks on the first word and he has to clear his throat to continue. "I just don't think I want to be out of the closet quite yet..." His words make my whole body relax.

I don't want to be out of the closet, either. Trust me, I don't need people to start to bully Kayden and totally stop talking to me because of it. I tell my boyfriend those exact words as my fingers feel around his face; Running over his smooth nose and cheekbones, his perfect eyebrows and finally landing in his wave of blondness.

Kayden seems to relax and lets his forehead rest back on mine, his breathe fanning my face and making me smile. "Thank God," A tiny yawn escapes his perfect lips. "Sorry, I didn't get much sleep. I was..." He pauses runs and lets another yawn slip through his lips. "I was just really excited to see you, I couldn't get any sleep. I couldn't believe I was coming over and I couldn't stop thinking about it."

A smirk pulls onto my face, and I ask "And what exactly were you thinking about, Kayd?" I don't need to pull his face from mine to know that it is burning redder than the sun during a sunset.

Kayden pushes against my chest and rolls his eyes. "Shut up," When I look at his face, it is an adorable red color that spreads from one ear to the other.

I place butterfly kisses all over his face, my lips still pulled into a smirk. "If I was to shut up, how would you hear my angelic voice?" Kayden starts laughing, his laugh the most perfect sound in the world.

"I would just have to live with it," He tells me with a shrug, ruffling my hair and poking my nose just like earlier today. Except earlier, I nearly pissed myself when he did that.

No, seriously. If he did it again there would've been a puddle on the floor.

A genius idea pops into my brain, and I ask the question before my brain really has time to catch up with my mouth. "Do you want to go on a date?" The words fall from my mouth awkwardly, but saying them seem to brighten Kayden's face immediately.

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