Chapter Nineteen

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(WOAH, NINETEEN CHAPTERS AND STILL GOING STRONG! You should vote if you like the story ;))

Sam's POV:

"You're crazy," Darren shakes his head, his brown hair falling into his eyes. "You're not even eighteen yet and you're getting married."

I nod and extend my leg off the bed, kicking Darren in the shin. He yelps and rubs at it with a scowl, his other hand flipping me off. A chuckle escapes my lips and I find myself wondering how West is taking the news. We agreed to tell our best friends about us getting married and no one else. Darren and West are always around, so we decided to just go and tell them.

"People in other countries get married at, like, three," I point out with a raised eyebrow. "And we aren't planning on getting married for a while. Not until after graduation. Plus, I'm turning eighteen in three months and Kayd is turning eighteen in less than a month. So suck it, dickwad."

Darren playfully punches my arm an moves from his seat on my dresser to next to me on the bed. "I think that's your fiancé's job," He grumbles, paired with an eye roll.

I roll my eyes as well and stretch my feet over Darren's lap, leaning against the headboard. "Psh, he just did that. And we fucked, so you can take that info and shove it up your ass," My tongue sticks out as I playfully slap his arm.

My best friend grimaces and shoves my legs off of him. "Ew, oh God, you put an imagine in my brain," He shudders again shakes his head rapidly. "And I am shoving nothing up my ass, thank you very much."

A grin eats up my face and I poke his arm. "Not even West?" I smirk, knowing what is coming next.

"Oh God no!" He shrieks and jumps off the bed, whacking me with a pillow. "Never, ever, EVER! Ew, oh my fuck. Just thinking about it makes me wanna hurl." I laugh and try to avoid being hit with my pillow, but every time I would move, I would end up getting slapped in the face with it.

"Okay, okay!" I laugh, grabbing a pillow and beating him with it as well. THIS MEANS WAR! "PILLOW FIGHT!"

Darren smirks and jumps on the bed, pinning my legs down with his body. The pillow in his hands hits my face, making me howl with laughter. My turn to hit comes, and I hurl the pillow into his side, causing him to grunt and fall off of my legs an onto my other side.

I move and quickly pin him, grabbing his pillow and beating him with both his and mine. "I" Whack. "Am" Whack. "The" Whack. "Winner" Whack. "BITCH!" I throw both pillows at his face and roll off of him, both of us laughing.

"Dude, that was waaay too much fun," Darren laughs and slings an arm around my shoulders. "We haven't had a pillow fight since, like, fifth grade."

Laughs can be heard from my doorway, and I look up to see West laughing like a banshee and Kayden staring at Darren and I with a reddened face.

He is jealous.

A smirk grows on my face as I pull Darren closer to me, resting my head on his shoulder. "Play along," I murmur before cuddling up even closer. "Aw, Darren, you are so cute. Of course I'll be your boyfriend! Just don't tell Kayden okay? He'll be pissed."

"As if I will let that happen," Kayden fumes and storms over to us, ripping me away from Darren and sitting on my lap. "You are mine, Mr. Kendler."

He grabs my shirt and crashes his lips against mine in a hard kiss. When he pulls back, I rest my forehead against his. "Yes sir, Mr. Future-Kendler."

A slow, sweet, ecstatic smile stretches across my loves face, and he pecks my lips once more before standing next to West. "Anyway, I told West," He turns and playfully punches his best friends arm. "This son-of-a-bitch got on his friggin' knee and asked me to marry him. Should've said yes, considering your "boyfriend" is sitting next to you."

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