Chapter Four

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Picture: Sam Kendler

Kayden's POV:

I wake up slowly, like being pulled from the dream world back into reality, and when I'm fully awake, I realize that something isn't right.

This isn't my room, and there is somebody holding onto me.

I almost let out a scream when the full effect of having someone on top of me hits me. I have someone laying on me!

I move slightly and let out a huge gush of air, sighing in relief when I see the sleeping person is only West, the drunk boy with purple hair who fell asleep in my car.

"West, wake up," I shake him slightly. After about fifty times of trying to wake him up nicely, I finally scream "WEST WAKE THE FUCK UP!"

The purple haired boy lets out a scream and rolls off of me, falling on the ground with a thud. "Ow, what the hell?" West looks around the room, his eyes half open and lazily blinking. "Where am I?"

I sit up and stretch, saying "Good morning to you, too," before hoping off the bed and offering West my hand.

"Wait..." West looks at the ground, and I swear I can hear his brain trying to remember what happened. Suddenly, he stands with an agility I didn't know anyone could possess and grabs my shoulders. "You're Rainbow Brite, right?" He starts to laugh. "Ha, that rhymed! Anyway, Kayden right? I fell asleep in your car?"

I nod my head and push him off of me. "You also gave me a hickey and bit my ear," I scowl at him and point to my neck, still reddish purple from where he bit it.

A smug smile covers West's face. "Yes, and you also got a boner when I touched you," West snickers and pushes me on the bed, laying against my body and whispering in my ear "And you loved every second of it."

RAPE! RAPE! I am going to be raped by a crazy purple haired boy who is still probably drunk! Why does life have to so fucked up?! "Dude, get off of me!" I struggle to get West off of me, but he continues to put all of his weight on me, grinding his hips into mine and making let out a soft moan. "West, I swear to God-"

"I like the way you say my name," West whispers in my ear, causing all the breathe to be sucked out of my body. "I want you to be moaning it, Kayden."

Oh shit.

A knock comes from the door, and I literally yell "THANK YOU!" when I see my mother standing in the doorway.

"Uh, sorry to interrupt?" My mom looks between West and I awkwardly, but West doesn't move from his position on top of me. "Kayd, sweetie, is this your boyfriend?"

I say "No," at the same time West says "Yes!". I shoot him a glare but he just smirks at me like a total douche bag.

"Okay then..." My mother lets out an awkward chuckle before telling us "Well, if you want, breakfast will be ready in ten. Wash up and... Maybe put some clothes on."

My eyes widen, and I look down to see that I am only in my boxers and socks. "Thank's mom! Now, please leave," If my face gets any redder, I will look like Elmo.

"Remember, breakfast in ten," She waves the spatula in her hands, pointing to both West- who is still laying on me- and me- who is staring at West, wanting to kill the bastard.

When she leaves, I shove West off my nearly naked body and grab my clothes. "Not cool, man! I barely know you and here you are trying to touch me!" A shiver crawls up and down my spine at the thought of West touching me.

It's not that West is bad looking- if anything, he quiet hot- it's just that he is creepy as fuck. In the daylight, West's purple hair seems purplier, and his caramel eyes hold a mischievous shimmer that makes me want to slap him and kiss him all at once.

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